Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Because not all radars emit the same RF frequencies my friend…

Brother, why do you guys always follow me around the forum & the second I post you both log on & b-line straight to the topic to drown out any potential community building conversations never letting anyone new have a moment to read ask questions themselves & chime in on their thoughts?

Why do you & @MiG_23M always demand my full-scale upmost attention that I must satisfy your every need the moment I post, even in threads none of you were even active at in the first place?

Look, I did not post a long-detailed presentation of Soviet aviation history just to sit here and go back & forth with you & @MiG_23M. I did it out of my love of the Mig-29 & desire to keep it as close to reality & history as possible in my favorite only played game. I actually talk about the aircraft I spend time playing, you don’t even have access to the Mig29 or Su27 & @MiG_23M has not played top tier or the game much for 4 updates.

If you manage to find any Mig29 with a N019 Rubin radar & R-27ER, ping me. But until then. There is nothing to say to you.

You tagged and misquoted me…
The line of discussion is based on nonsense, if anyone who was read on the subject would have replied you’d have gotten the same answer.

Why does it take you an entire hour of typing to consistently be so wrong about something? The 9B-1101K clearly works on multiple platforms and radars, why does changing the booster make it incompatible?

Also no one is being censored here, anyone can chime in and ask questions. If you think anyone believes the facade you’re building… well… lmao.

Who said anything about changing the booster makes it incompatible?
I just posted a Product 9-12A with the ERs in my research lol

Trying to start a flame war with circular arguments I see, eh?


Can you provide a single source that the N019 Rubin can guide the R-27ER? No? Can you provide a single relevant picture of a non-upgraded Soviet Mig-29 9-12 or 9-13? No?

ok there’s nothing else to say until then.

So, can I provide a single source that only Soviet produced radars that can guide the R-27ER is a specific N019 modification upgrade, The N019M Topaz & the N001 Mech? Yes, I have multiple non-open sources I can offer privately if you guys were nice & objective, but instead here is your own listed source you used in your research on the Alamo.

R-27R (AA-10A Alamo A) – a modification of the R-27 missile with the installation of a semi-active radar homing warhead of the RGS-27 type (9B1101K) inside the ogival tip of the fuselage made of dielectric material. The guidance system of this model cooperates with the on-board radar type N019 Rubin (‘Slot Back I’) of the MiG-29 light front-line fighter and N001 Mech (‘Slot Back II’) of the heavy front-line fighter of the Su-27 type. The R-27R missile, along with the R-27T and R-27P, officially became operational in 1987.
Source: R-27 (AA-10 Alamo) :: Ruslet

R-27ER (AA-10C Alamo C) – a modification of the R-27R missile with the installation of a new rocket engine, which has a larger supply of solid fuel, inside a modified rear part of the fuselage, characterized by a greater length and larger diameter. As a result, this model has a greater long-range range. The guidance system of the R-27ER missile cooperates with the N019M Topaz (‘mod. Slot Back I’) radar of the MiG-29S light front-line fighter and the N001 Mech (‘Slot Back II’) of the Su-27 heavy front-line fighter. This model, along with the R-27ET and R-27EP missiles, officially became operational in 1990.
Source: R-27 (AA-10 Alamo) :: Ruslet

FYI, a lot of your own sources actually state many key things and are hidden in plain sight. You should reread them carefully instead hound me all day.

I can show quite easily that the N019 provides guidance for the exact same components as the R-27ER. The only difference is that it equips a larger rocket motor.

Aka you’re wrong and won’t admit it.

Scouring hundreds of non primary sources looking for some error in semantics is not definitive proof of what you’re saying. What did they change on the R-27ER that prevents its guidance from N019? Let’s start with that.

As of right now the claim is that the R-27ER differs somehow from the R-27R and therefore cannot be guided from the original N019. There were no changes to the seeker, so what happened?


So that means any MiG29 variant can carry R-27ER?

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Yes, any variant is technologically capable of using it.

You cannot show me the only difference is the motor because you cannot find a single Mig-29 in the entire world that still has N019 Rubin radar equipped with R-27ERs!

You cannot even answer the question & refuse to.

Why would the Soviets & Russians Federation ever be dumb enough to allow the R-27ER to be guided entirely by a radar & same guidance frequency of the R-27R that was already compromised by the US & Phazotron’s Chief Designer admitted to doing at trial in June, 1986?

Why would even today, would the Russian Federation ever allow the missile that was deployed in 1990 & still sold to its allies be guided by the same frequencies & old radar that NATO knows all about & literally OWNS?

When they already developed an uncorrupted version, N019M Topaz & also offer it directly & exclusively to their allies? The only version of the N019 that is proven to guide the R-27ER

I just prove it in my research & I literally just did with the Serbian Mig-29SM+
Stop this crying & comeback when you have proof the N019 Rubin can guide R27ERs.

Because as of right now (forever) only Mig-29s that received the N019M or greater can guide ERs.

Ukraine has Mig-29S (product 9-13S)

Thanks though keep them coming.

Only if upgraded with N019M or greater radars! Yesir!

No NATO countries (yet)

But why R-27ER isn’t widely used? If all MiG29s can carry them everyone would have only bought R-27ER instead of R-27R

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Your argument isn’t logical. The N019 can guide the R-27R it can certainly guide the R-27R + more booster. The problem is not guidance it would be software for the fire control system but you haven’t provided any semblance of proof it couldn’t. I’d like to remind you that the burden of proof is still on you.

You can probably count Ukraine

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YUP! Even you Ukraine has R-27ER factories!

Because only Russia can develop the Radars to guide them!!!


No, they don’t. Only 9-13 and MiG-29MU1/2.



That, and practically no MiG-29s still in service in 1990 would be equipped with the original N019, or if they were would be hard pressed to purchase a missile that just entered production and was still in limited numbers with the dying Soviet Union.

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N019M(E) main point is abilitty to use RVV-AE



Ukraine - Air Force
MiG-29S (9-13S)

Reg.: 01 white
Code: 01

Location: Wilkes-Barre / Scranton - International (AVP / KAVP)
Pennsylvania, USA - July 11, 1992

Ukraine - Air Force
Reg: 01 white

Location: Trenton (YTR / CYTR)
Ontario, Canada - June 27, 1992

Reg: 01 white

Ukraine - Air Force
MiG-29S (9-13S)
Reg: 01 white

MSN: 2960731232

Anymore question!?!!!

Is this statement below correct guys ? Found it on a forum of Mig-Stuff but i need to make sure.

"The only different of 9-13S and 9-13 is the ability to use R-77 through N-019 9-13S radar since all of them use the same type of Radar or “equivilent” like they used for Vietnamese Su-27UBK and Chinese Su-27Sk (both of them uses N-001 radar), hardpoint for R-77 is AKU-170E. "

Theoritically, 9-12 should be able to use R-27ER with their own radar.


MiG-29A 9-12 with R-27R/ER


Yes as I’ve explained, a change in the booster section should not preclude the ability to use the ordnance from the N019 radar - which is what was used to qualify the seeker and missile platform in the first place.

Early testing of R-27ER was conducted with N019 radars.