Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Yeah I know about everything you mean but I still feel kind of lenient towards seeing it as an event vehicle regardless but I wouldn’t mind either.

In my opinion also, planes like the MiG-35 and Su-35 are actually not that far from being introduced anymore, so eventually there’s going to be a production Fulcrum with eight missiles and it’s going to be the one to end the MiG line.

Mig 29ks in Indian service were later upgraded to PESA but didn’t have them at the start

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Yes, but i said it would be interesting to see which produces THE MOST drag

Any MiG-29 can use the R-73…
If you want the R-77 on a 9-12 glider, it will be the 9-12SD(Slovakia/Syria/Serbia)…


our MiG 29B(9.12) can carry them as well.

No not necessarily, they were not exported to third world countries with 9-12Bs

In the difficult 1990s for Russia, these restrictions were lifted, all countries where the MiG-29B were exported have the R-73…

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I know but gaijin won’t add it for the 9.13

I meant R-77 and R73.

I’m aware of this but for reasons I consider obvious I would rather see the 9-12B locked in a specific timeframe, and as far as I know not every nation with that model received better missiles.

It is just more like the 9-12B to see it with older ones.

So far, only the Hungarian MiG-29B is in the game, and he definitely had the P-73 right away…

A lot nations used that variant. So depending on the user nation armaments/avionics will vary but it would be unwise to lock it in a specific time frame.


The 9.12B of the HuAF weirdly has English markings on a few avionics in its cockpit, weird to see this happen, since AFAIK they are shipped straight from Russia, and HuAF pilots might be more used to Russian cockpits anyways. The warning voice is also betty.
Anyone knew why?

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Probably the 9-12G was the template used for modelling the Hungarian 9-12B in game instead of the 9-12A and it’s an oversight.

That seems to confirm that the Hungarian 9-12B is not a copy of the German 9-12A but instead a copy of the 9-12G. Interesting, I still haven’t grinded it out yet. But want it more now.

Seems like an error, should have the same cockpit as the 9.12A and 9.13

Found this today, idk much about aircraft, looks interesting and hopefully relevant to this thread:



Source: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/AD0004232.pdf

Shouldn’t be relevant to the MiG-29 at all

Where is this from btw - I havent been able to find a downloadable copy of practical aerodynamics yet, so couldnt check if its from there haha. I’ve been doing some testing for the mig29 again recently against the Luftwaffe mig29G manual and seems its still underperforming by some substantial amounts depending on speed, but just trying to understand where they have denied bug reports previously and saw this mentioned in this report;
MiG-29 (9-12) Sustained turn rate underperforming at low speed. // Gaijin.net // Issues
also am i correct understanding that the 24 degree’s of AoA is just a maximum for lower speeds and not calculated for the whole chart - and if extrapolated would probably roughly correspond to stable flight at just over 3G’s going 400km/h with 24 degree’s AoA(would be another point to test considering my data shows some more drastic underperformance at low speeds)?

Btw here is my test data with clean wings and 2335 fuel load (closest i could get to 13000) on 9.12 at ~0-100m alt in comparison with the manual figures:

All data points tested a minimum of 3 times up to 10 times at 450 at steady holds with trim in full real manual controls, and results taken from localhost while climb rate and SEP are <±1 as indicated by WTRTI.
Outside of the 300 knot speed range is underperforming by around of 5% at higher speeds and up to a max of over 13% at slow speeds according to given chart figures, and potentially even more if extrapolating chart data down to stall speeds.

Might be an issue with assumed channel losses / thrust curves and empty weight differences not being implemented between the variants.

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