Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

With a orbital rocket’s 2nd stage attached to it, sure. They’re not doing all that for a cheap balloon when the F-22 can just cruise up there without afterburner and smoke it.

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I didn’t see anywhere at 120 degrees per second in which place?

Sure but what was the altitude of the ballon, what is the service ceiling of the F-15s in service today and what what is the max range of the Aim9X.

Voila, The F15 is capable.

I did not see 120 degrees at the MiG-29, it raises its nose very sluggishly

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If we want to raise the nose faster we need to prove vertical acceleration is insufficient, not the elevator’s rotation speed.

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The speed of rotation of the stabilizer directly affects the changes in pitch velocity

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And in this case they say the stabilizer is pitching at 120 deg/s rotation. If you want the pitch acceleration to be quicker, we must show it in documentation and compare it to in-game. Adjusting the Stabilizer isn’t going to happen.

I don’t see 120 degrees per second there, at this rate it should deviate instantly


The traditional swept wing tailed design is most dominant in subsonic regimes. You got it backwards.

Learn more about the advantages/disadvantages of the delta wing and swept wing when you get the chance.

chapt6 (nasa.gov)

I’m referring to the flight envelope of the two fighters. Whether the average delta vs the average tailed delta are usually different, this is an exception.

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This low aspect ratio wing is used in supersonic aircrafts. The main advantage of a delta wing is that it is efficient in all regimes (supersonic, subsonic, and transonic). Moreover, this type of wing offers a large area for the shape thereby improving maneuverability and reducing wing loading.

The delta wing doesn’t just offer efficient flight experience but is also strong structurally and provides large volume for fuel storage. This wing is also simple to manufacture and maintain. (why the Europeans love it)

However, like any other type of aircraft wing, delta wing also has some disadvantages. The main disadvantages of this aircraft wing include:

  1. Due to their low aspect ratio, delta wings induce high drag.

  2. At low speed – during landing and takeoff –, these wings have a high angle of attack mainly because, at such low speeds, vortices generate the lift. High stall angles of the delta wings compensate for this.

The Dassault Mirage 2000 is a prime example of an aircraft which uses tailless delta wings. Some aircrafts use tailed delta wings and one of the most famous of those aircrafts is the Russian MiG-21.

The trapezoidal wing design offers outstanding flight performance. The trailing edge of the wing sweeps forward while the leading edge sweeps back. This type of wing is commonly used in U.S. combat aircrafts.

Except there is little induced drag from the trim because the Mirage 2000 naturally wants to pitch up at low speed being a relaxed stability design. This solves one of the issues hampering true delta’s.

In any case, you’re comparing wing design on paper. The fact of the matter is that the F-16 is awful at low speed and the Mirage 2000 is not. Check the flight envelope of either. There’s a reason the MiG-29 and other fighters beat the F-16 by getting it slow.

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True, but that is to compensate for a disadvantage not improve.

I believe the Mirage should perform amazing (as it does in game) but not at low speed. It is far better than the F-16 at High Mach flight. (as it should).

It should have stronger wings. (as it does not)

GJ is doing great with the Mirage platform as of now (took them long enough). But it should not have the lowspeed handling you guys are imagining. There is a reason they added canards to all the delta boys of Europe.

You are comparing wing on a video game. I do not see how that is better.

Again, I’m not arguing the logic behind how these types of wings generally perform except that it doesn’t apply here. The F-16 and the Mirage 2000’s designs are not totally geared towards the traditional aerodynamic layouts mentioned.

As you can see, the F-16’s minimum level flight airspeed before running into the AoA limit is only ~130 knots (mach 0.2).

It is precisely the fact that it is obviously exceeding these AoA limits that it is overperforming in-game. It is why it is beating the Mirage 2000 in flight regimes wherein it should not.

avg irritative and pointless triczzter answer…


You make great points. I am not taking away from your knowledge I am just stating a fact that deltas are garbage at low speed performance.

Again, it’s a reason they went extinct. Why all the delta boys of Europe have canards now.

Well, the pure delta will make a comeback in 6th gen… But I digress.

Those aircraft are no different than the Mirage 2000 except that they have the canard which improves post-departure and deep stall recovery.

Mirage 2000 has 1/2 the minimum maneuvering airspeed of the F-16, and its’ turn radius is tighter for this. It should be able to dominate a slow F-16 and instead we have the opposite in-game. It is also why the F-16 is dominating the MiG-29 series. This is the issue.


and… Slow speed performance.

Even the fixed canard of the Kfir directly improved landing and take off. Slow speed performance and dogfighting plagued the Mirage 3 and 5.

The fixed canard on the Kfir acts almost exclusively to improve airflow over the wing much in the same way as leading edge flaps. The Mirage 2000 has leading edge flaps AND the canard.