Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

whats the status of the elevator report?

Not a bug, closed. Animation is not = to real deflection speed which is actually overperforming at 120 deg/s in-game. (Should be 38 deg/s).

All aircraft have similar issue. Game decision.

I do not believe the F-16C is over performing. I believe its performing great according to this “arcade” game. Its the Mig29 that is underperforming in thrust to weight and heavy limitations of the instructor.

You know what. We should do some climb testing in the Mig29 Vs F-16.

The Fulcrum is superior 65,000 ft/min. The F-16C service ceiling is 50,000ft/min and its service ceiling.

The fulcrum can operate at the altitudes of the F-22 raptor with tis massively powerful engines.

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The mirage F1 has similar poor defection animated and performance.

They said that about the Mirage F1 and magically (no pun intended) one day out of the blue it became a fighter jet.

Remember? We played the jet when it was trash and wore it like a badge of pride?

i didnt say the f16 blk50 is overperforming, actually i said the opposite of that, i said that the blk10/15/20 are overperforming, but the blk50 isnt.

climb testing is useless in this game, there is no real reason to climb at that kinda alt in wt, 99.9% of the fights happen at 1000m or less.

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It was corrected per some bug reports, not out of the blue. Also, all jets in-game have unusually high deflection rates it seems. They limit it with the instructor but in full real you can pretty rapidly pitch-up in about any aircraft that isn’t a bomber or has largely ineffective vertical torque application.

I highly doubt the Fulcrum operates at altitudes the F-22 can reach, especially seeing as the F-22 is still classified and was allegedly one of the only aircraft capable of intercepting those very high altitude spy balloons with ease.

Well the “problem” with the F-16C would indicate its overperforming, yes?

Rate of climb is indicative of thrust to weight, acceleration and aerodynamics. Its not the altitude obtained that matters, rather the time it takes.

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All F-16s are overperforming in high alpha and stability.

And it’s accurate to the charts for the MiG-29 in-game, in spite of the alleged lack of thrust.

True, but publicly confirmed service ceilings if we really must split hairs.

The point is the Mig29 has a whole 15k feet of operation above the F-16 due to having powerful dual , great breathing engines.

The F-15 can shoot down satellites. That is a false allegation.

The F-16 is the primary fighter for defense of the continental united states. It was immediately ruled out.

well you didnt quote the part that i said about all the variants and i also said that the f16c isnt overperforming( ofc thats only my opinion about the blk50), at that point i was only talking about the f16s that i think that are overperforming, the blk50 isnt included there.

why do u keep insisting that there is some big problem with the 29 when it is clear that the problem is the f16 blk10/15/20 that flies like a ufo, if u want something to be done when it comes to f16C vs mig29SMT, it would be easier to ask gaijin to give the 9.13 the r73 and increase the br or get a new mig29 (maybe the M variant or something like that) there is nothing to be done when it comes to the performance of the SMT, it wont beat the blk50 imho

Sure, but it can’t fly up to and physically shoot down the spy balloons like the F-22 did with an inert AIM-9X.

The F-16A is performing fine imo thanks to the reports and work of of Gio and Mig imo. They cannot rate as long or go vertical for long as they should.

When someone says F-16s that covers the F-16s usually. My apologies. When you say block 50 is cool it just sounds like a contradiction. They are very different aircraft. But still F-16s. It is important that we specifically state which is “the problem”

What’s the problem with the ADF/MLU?

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Yeah it can go Mach 1 completely vertical last time I checked and house the Aim9X. The fact that it was intert and having no warhead is hardly relevant.

The F-22 that was used did not have the newer HMD either iirc. It was an older Block F22. I believe the F-22 was selected to boost propaganda and it was nearest available fighter in the area.

We love to overkill and dabble in propaganda from time to time as well.

IS PERFORMING FINE? THAT THING CAN BEAT A DAMN MIRAGE IN 1C RIGHT NOW, lmfao, mig29 9.12 and 9.13 cant even touch that thing in a pure 1v1, is the most broken plane in the game when it comes to flight performance.

they also can beat the 9.13 and 9.12 in 1c thats my problem with them, they souldnt, that should be the 29 main advantage but it isnt.

im not trying to be rude with you ziggy, but at some point you didnt even have the most basic manual of the mig29, the german one about the 9.12 so, i find kinda hard to believe that there is something really wrong with the 29 and not with the f16 when you give your opinions, again, im not trying to be rude, but thats just my view, if the 29s arent having any big problems that contradict the flight manuals, there is nothing to be done about it.


How much did that missile cost just to down a balloon

The F-16A is the most tailored of all the Falcon series for knife fights. It is the only F-16 that retains most of its energy maneuverability theory designed from the original LWF program. It lacks thrust however of the newer models.

Are you saying the Mirage should dunk on it? The Mirage is fully capable of taking it on in game. At least when I played the Mirage s5 and 5f

When did cost matter to the United States?

Eastern/anti-western propaganda. The money spent was literally a drop in the bucket.

The propaganda win over the Chinese who violated Sovreign territory was worth it. We had the world laughing about it and the Chinese crying about it.

We even gave the F-22 the call sign ‘FRANK01’ in an homage to a heroic pilot from WWI Frank Luke, the first airman to receive the Medal of Honor after shooting down over a dozen aircraft, including 10 spy balloons, in just eight days during World War I.

The balloon was at the absolute peak service altitude for the F-15. If he wanted to reach it he would be unable to properly maneuver or engage the target. It was comfortably within the service height of the F-22. Just makes sense to me that they’d send the F-22.

We can continue this conversation elsewhere, I don’t think the US really needs to boast much about their stealth fighters ability to shoot down high altitude balloons…

Yes, the F-16’s vastly inferior to the Mirage 2000 IRL at low speeds or in one circle engagements… the F-16 in-game has a much lower stall limit currently than it did IRL iirc.

Instead the F-16 has better stall speed, AoA, low speed handling, etc.


What was the altitude?

Again, the F-15 is capable of shooting down satellites.

@MiG_23M knows about the f16 more than me, im only giving my opinions and in multiple cases mig already said that the f16 is overperforming, it doesnt make any sense for me how that thing can pull more AoA than the 29 bleed way less speed and keep fully stable

also this ^ f16 shouldnt beat every possible thing in 1c, not a mig29 and not a damn mirage

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