Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

İts not like ecm pod that you will find on Mig21’s.

İt shouldnt take such a long time, also they should’ve done this at the beginning not after the release.

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I know its not the same.

But its still longer than swapping out the SMT config from using the SPO-15 file to the SPO-150 file.

If they are giving it the pods, they’ve only just decided to, so no model yet.

Otherwise, they don’t plan on adding it yet at this time, but might change their minds.

Yep with this I absolutely agree.

Community Bug Reporting System made a report on the MiG-29s weights, currently they are too light. While overall performance beyond some low speed shenanigans is correct, its correct for an incorrect weight. As a result of this the MiG-29SMT which has its weight correct feels 300kg-400kg (depending on which MiG-29 you compare it too) heavier than it should. If this report goes through as intended the MiG-29 9-12 should feel exactly the same, the MiG-29 9-13 might feel slightly heavier, and the MiG-29SMT 9-19 will feel a lot better, which I believe is an important aircraft to focus on since the 9-19 has a potential future of getting improved weapons like R-77s while gaijan appears to intend to keep the legacy MiG-29s in their current state indefinitely.


Please tell me I haven’t wasted a load of GE on this thing? Seems to now bleed speed worse than the J35 and doesn’t come close to the nose authority of the F-16. The SMT radar seems even worse than the old one. Obviously I don’t have all the performance mods but I can’t imagine it will make any difference. I’ve not even managed an R-73 kill yet, just a crit - to think so many people were up in arms over it and I can’t even flare of a 9M now.

Let’s not exaggerate, the plane is still very good in airRB.
R-73s are anything but bad and easy to flare right now, and in normal AiR RB situation you can still zoom around staying constantly above 1300kph which enables you to rush in and get out of any fight really quickly. Radar also is define the best radar in the game.

The problem is that having a plane that was know for his manoeuvrability now being a brick is annoying, but in 2 out of 3 of the important flight performance metrics in air RB (which are speed/zoomclimbing, ability to point the nose at high speed and energy retention) the MiG29 is still very good and in the first one (arguably the most important) it’s still the best

Play this in SB and get back to me. Consistently loses targets on the radar, absolutely minimal energy retention (basically stock, only 2 performance mods). I do not play ARB so I cannot comment but right now it’s just food for F-16Cs. R-73s are easily flared and the C carries a great number of them. If you try to dogfight at low alt you are highly likely to fall into the Earth. Not an exaggeration, just the stock experience.

Can you record / share the radar issues? I’m not able to replicate any issues.

I thought the SPO-150 has a different antenna/receiver model than the SPO-15, so I guess the devs could technically do a lazy and add countermeasures despite not changing the model.

Either way though, the SPO-150 is a step in the right direction, hopefully the additional 56 countermeasures are soon to follow.

Being optimistic but maybe the CLDP targeting pod or Saspan series targeting pod for the Mig-29SMT in the future?


withdrawal of troops from east Germany 92


Gave the SMT another try today and had a ton of issues with the ER and the R73 failing to proxy fuse on very easy targets. In fact I’m pretty sure that the PF is not working at all and only detonates with a direct hit. In this clip the target didn’t flare, missile flew close enough to light up the nose of the F16, yet no boom

Anybody noticing similar misses



That missile wobbling is so bad as well.

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Check this video i recorded with R-73

The missile is in a garbage state right now

R-73 Can’t hit a straight target


Guys, they upgraded the RWR. When did they do that?

Mal… the R73 is not bad whatsoever.

Something must be broken with your game since I never had the missile do this. Not even upon release of the patch. What the heck. That is an interesting clip.

R73 takes so much AOA that it’s unable to accelerate when launching around mach 1
Personally I like that HOBS shots are “risky” and can cause the missile to start whirling around


The video loses sight of the missile. Not showing if it even made it into range of the target to proxy.

However, as you do know and just indicate the R73 compresses at high speed launches like the R60. Its a close quarters dogfight missile and is not as efficient at Mach 1.09 maneuvering intercepts fired toward the earth.

Should not cause wobbling though interesting. I never see that in my gameplay. I find it weird how everyone is not satisfied or clearly having technical issues with the R73 or SMT. I played the SMT on and off about a hundred games (play other aircraft) and have a 4:1 KD without really much effort.

I just fly it like a NATO aircraft using its superior missiles to keep distance and be very judicial in who I get into a knife fight with. Is that how its really supposed to be played? I have no clue.

Not to mention there is a magical buff where the IRST helmet sight can lock targets 15-20km when its says 10km…

I’ve been able to reproduce the issue regularly in testing. Missile pulls too hard / too much AoA off the rail = long period at slower speeds and causes high oscillation. This, combined with motor burnout sends it tumbling instead of killing an easy target / shot.

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It’s hard to see due to compression but like I said the missile was close enough to light up the nose
And it’s not just the R73, the R27ER is also missing by an inch and not blowing up. I’ve also seen a Sparrow miss me by a hair and not blow up despite being well outside of min range


Usually if anything pulls too hard, It drains energy. The missile has high off boresight capability.

Therefore, its lead is greater the faster a target is flying. That is why it is not effective at high supersonic intercepts.

Kind of a real thing…

I noticed the same with AIM-9M! Yesterday, I felt like the missile just phased through the target area and I was like wtf…