Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

FM underperforming =/= performing less than stellar in the current meta. Two separate things… both were claimed…

yes, that is true.

I as well as many believe both in the case of the SMT. Not by a large margin, but enough to continue investigating.

Why can’t it be both? SMT is underperforming because of the “UFO” F-16 you claimed it to be and unfinished modelling of the SMT?

Can anyone show the actual differences in fuel economy between the Mig29s and SMT if there was any modelled. I feel it’s not as good as it was when it went live and is exactly the same as the G at 30min.

SMT just can’t carry R-60.

Uhm… no?

Ah yes, the daily mig 29 thread argument.

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The FM isn’t underperforming so far that I’ve seen. All testing done thus far has shown it (the 9-12) is accurate. There is nothing to suggest the 9-19 is disproportionately performing thus far either. Further testing is of course, welcome.

It is true, the F-16’s are overperforming. It is not such a serious concern in air RB because instructor already limits AoA at the speeds most of these noobs are flying.

You’re right, it is only re-targeting angles +/- 4 degrees not a reduction in FoV post-capture. Thanks.

I just wanna drop this here since it is relevant because it is a weapon the MIG uses. This has not changed at all since the publishing of this video in dev server, the missiles are still the same. If 9M IRCCM is supposed to be this good why can’t gaijin buff R-73 IRCCM? Either nerf the 9M irccm somehow or make the MAGIC 2 and R-73 irccm better.

It is not enough the F-16C beats the Mirage 2K and MIG-29 in 1 circle turn with UFO FM (when it should not), they get better missiles as well.

R-73 is a joke compared to 9M in like %80 of cases


Launching the AIM-9M precisely at targets that would be harder for the R-73 to hit and impossible for the AIM-9M not to is not indicative of good testing.

Any target flying straight and just dropping flares will eat an AIM-9M. Colder, smaller targets dropping a lot of flares will likely decoy the R-73… This is horrible testing. In fact, I’m confident there is no 100% guaranteed kill scenario on a target dropping flares, maneuvering, and at 80% throttle against AIM-9M… whereas the R-73 can be fired from rear and is a guaranteed kill on such a target.

The issue is, in game in terms of actual matches and situations the IRCCM of the 9M is better 8/10 times. No matter how much better the seeker of R-73 is technically, it does not matter if in most situations it is like a R-60 SUPER.

Which is more often? You getting very close and directly behind an enemy to fire a missile or side/ half side aspect mid-long range shots? The latter. The situations in which R-73s advantages are good and used are not that common to be used, unlike 9M.

Also to flare 9M you need time and methodical approach, you do not always have the necessary time and distance/energy to flare 9M, but you can 1 tap flare the R-73 in many cases.

Also the 9M was fired at a colder target and the R-73 was fired at a afterburning 25040509 C* F-14 so i do not understand what you mean by the test is bad in that sense. R-73 didnt hit 9M did hit a colder target.

The current post launch FOV of R-73 and MAGIC 2 are currently 0.75 degrees. If they were made to be 0.70/0.65 degrees it would be a much needed improvement and would not be an extreme buff either that would cause imbalance.

The average player having a skill issue against an inferior weapon (that is slightly better for the meta) is what is going on. Nothing more. The AIM-9M is inferior to the R-73.


You even said it yourself, the situation in which you describe the R-73 having more useful IRCCM is a single case, rear aspect close range.

No, that is when the R-73 has a guaranteed (95%+) chance of kill. The AIM-9M simply doesn’t have such luxuries. It’s a glorifed AIM-9L that will continue tracking non-maneuvering targets after they dispense a flare in situations where the AIM-9L would have been decoyed.

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Im not saying 9M is too good, im saying the IRCCM of R-73 is too weak. I do not have an issue dodging 9M but 9M gets me more kills than R-73, it is more reliable. R-73 just needs a small bump along with MAGIC 2

R-73 is already accurate, there is no necessary bump. The magic 2 is not performing as it should yet, and it likely will receive an improvement in the future.

I find the R-73 to be far more than sufficient at top tier. It’s certainly more useful than the AIM-9M… perhaps you should stop spamming missiles at the first target you see…

As I said earlier… those are worst case scenario shots for R-73… pointless to fire them in those conditions. You can’t do this with the AIM-9M…


lmao i do not spam missiles in the garbagefest 15v15 in the middle mode we have where everyone spams flares, please do not presume such things.

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The aim9M is amazing the R73 loves flares and friendies right now though its gatewidth is suppose to minimize


thats what im proposing a buff for, the FOV from 0.75 to 0.65

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yeah that is you opinion, Thanks. Its noted.

Unless those datamining tools have access to win rates and kd ratios of the SMT as whole right now… Does it? No.

Then you can take your testing, and rub it all in your chest. Means nothing.

The opinion is shared by the dev whom states R-73 is superior to AIM-9M. They have access to all the materials you say I don’t, I trust their opinion and my own experience with the weapons. Thanks.

Yeah all of a sudden the missile randomly started going for friendlies out of no where. I can shoot an 9M into a crowd and rarely hit a friendly. Same with the R27ET it loves friendlies I meant to say.