Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

next step for more accuracy would be adding the rwr issues for variants that use the spo-15, but i think they won’t be touching that matter until the addition of fox3 missiles and improvements for the current sarh missiles

I know all this-I wrote about him on the old forum…But this is not in the interests of Snails-they will most likely someday give MiG-29M (9-15 \ 9-61) -against early \ late -Rafale \ EF-2000 \ J-10 …
And 9-12SD can be put on a combat rating lower or the same as 9-19…

Hopefully they will just rework the whole multi path thing when fox 3 will be added, as right now any radar missiles that is not the R-27ER (Datalink) is straight up inferior to carrying any missiles with IRCCM (and perhaps even to Python 3s and AiM9Ls).

They should implement the Radar-RWR interference on the MiG-29s as soon as it can be properly modelled, but the problem is that with current meta I would just carry R-73s and R-27ET and leave the radar off.


Yes It has the Spo-32 pastel RWR

Spo-32 is fictional name

Yeah you are right.
Wrote it that way as many articles use that designation

What happened? Did they make FM changes to F-16? Does anyone have the raw data from datamines and can someone explain the changes? Enlighten me pls

Screenshot 2023-11-11 at 16.10.22

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İt has less drag now? İsn’t that a buff? Sorry if I have no clue.

Also , does this change effect the F-16C ? İt is not on the list

F-16C and D were unchanged

The C and the A have different FM the A is better

It has more drag, I don’t know how WT arranges things to create flight model but the most important thing here is the 0.05 drop in the Oswald efficiency number, which leads to increased induced drag for the same lift coefficient.

So in SIM they are still the uncontested destroyer of worlds, nice

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F-16 turnrates from preliminary testing by me seemed to decrease by around a degree per second, I tested ITR but STR is normally proportional to that

MiG-29 turnrate increased by around half a degree per secondish it seems so its back to pre weight change levels

I know , but the C gets better engines and destroyer of worlds invisible 9Ms.

yes but it has more weight so the engines don’t change much

F-16C was not changed and rightly so, as it is not over performing by any mean (at least not that it seems to me), it was the F-16A that had an UFO flight model

Did the SMT receive the better engines? İn game it still only says Rd-33 only in xray

Not yet it was only a leak

It wasn’t a leak and the engines do consume less fuel now.
Screenshot 2023-11-11 at 16.18.58

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