What if you are flying at high speed around the battlefield and just need to look around while you gradually turn? You can’t move your mouse gradually and look around at the same. Instead, you have to resort to constant tapping of the elevator, which apart from being annoying, oftentimes does not let you pull as much as you want.
“Don’t mouse the mouse as much” moving the mouse by small steps is inconsistent as hell, and using tricks such as pressing and undressing very quickly the negative pitch up key is both not that convenient and is inefficient as hell, since you will be pulling max AoA, then almost negative, then max AoA again.
If you try to rate at speeds such as 650kph with mouse aim (both with slow mouse movement and negative pitch up key), you’ll often get slower rate than just pulling and definitely nowhere near close as using real controls
Also, the FM changes are live now
how do you know? Didn’t see any changelog
Well, there was a small download, and the top right says, which is the patch that had the FM changes.
Restart the game if you were on this whole time, just in case.
You can with TrackIR and it’s not expensive either, paid around $20 for my setup.
wasn’t it 0.79 for fm updates?
No, 0.78
So its live, someone already tested it?
ER cuz it has that red nozzle
yeah just edited cause i went and checked haha
For one, that is additional equipment for what could be implemented to be in mouse aim. Second, you still have to move your mouse constantly to turn. I don’t have that kind of space on my mouse pad.
What if you are stuck in a rate fight that will go on for a couple of full turns at least? Say you are really good with the whole gradual mouse movement thing. What do you do when you run out of space to push your mouse? Quickly lift it and move back so that you can turn more? Well, now you stopped turning optimally for half a second and accelerated, which also will take at least half a second to get back to the corner speed. That loses you a lot of position.
All of those solutions are crutches.
If they are already live, they didn’t change anything at least at first glance
Actually Western radar missiles benefit uniquely from Gaijin’s lack of seeker modelling to an completely unjustifiable extent. The lack of inverse monopulse seekers on the vast majority of their Fox 1s means that the decision to model all seekers that aren’t pulse as inverse monopulse can only be seen as a staggeringly blatant buff to BLUFOR inventories. Soviet missiles from the R-23 onwards all have inverse monopulse seekers, a decade before anything but the Sky Flash, and this robs the Soviets of a very real advantage they enjoyed in low altitude engagements. It’s complete handholding for Western missiles.
Just point it half way around the turn and tap the negative pitch key as needed it’s far more than sufficient and unless you’re a pro 1v1 tournament player needing more specific control of the aircraft… not a concern.
Speaking of which, controllers allow you to do all that you want to do for the most part without needing full real. That’s what those pro players use generally.
The whole post is about →
A section of that post ( → contains the FM changes
Added CLOG and screenshot from that ER miss on me to the bug report
That is not really sufficient. I might not be a pro 1v1 player, but I still sometimes play tournaments. But even outside of them, the smallest changes in rating performance will determine a rate fight.