Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Again, I’m not arguing the logic behind how these types of wings generally perform except that it doesn’t apply here. The F-16 and the Mirage 2000’s designs are not totally geared towards the traditional aerodynamic layouts mentioned.

As you can see, the F-16’s minimum level flight airspeed before running into the AoA limit is only ~130 knots (mach 0.2).

It is precisely the fact that it is obviously exceeding these AoA limits that it is overperforming in-game. It is why it is beating the Mirage 2000 in flight regimes wherein it should not.

avg irritative and pointless triczzter answer…


You make great points. I am not taking away from your knowledge I am just stating a fact that deltas are garbage at low speed performance.

Again, it’s a reason they went extinct. Why all the delta boys of Europe have canards now.

Well, the pure delta will make a comeback in 6th gen… But I digress.

Those aircraft are no different than the Mirage 2000 except that they have the canard which improves post-departure and deep stall recovery.

Mirage 2000 has 1/2 the minimum maneuvering airspeed of the F-16, and its’ turn radius is tighter for this. It should be able to dominate a slow F-16 and instead we have the opposite in-game. It is also why the F-16 is dominating the MiG-29 series. This is the issue.


and… Slow speed performance.

Even the fixed canard of the Kfir directly improved landing and take off. Slow speed performance and dogfighting plagued the Mirage 3 and 5.

The fixed canard on the Kfir acts almost exclusively to improve airflow over the wing much in the same way as leading edge flaps. The Mirage 2000 has leading edge flaps AND the canard.

Thats not a canard it’s called a strake.

It performs a similar function, although primarily providing airflow over the wings to the rudder which also has strakes. This prevents low speed and high AoA yaw instability.

Again, the Mirage 2000 should have half the minimum airspeed of the F-16 and in-game this is inverse. The MiG-29 likewise suffers.

It’s not a canard. If it did the same exact thing it would be called a canard. Canards can generate lift. A strake does not. It just destabilizes airflow.

Yes, the Mig29 suffers agreed, as it retains the best of both worlds just like the F-16.

If the Mirage is underperforming at low-speed cool lets get fixed. But it should never be on par with the Mig29 or F16 at low speed. It’s a Delta design without controllable canards and will always be a Delta without controllable canards at the end of the day.

Dassault retired the thing because its inferior to the Rafale.

The Mirage shines in maneuverability at high Mach numbers. As it does in game. The Most maneuverable aircraft at top tier above Mach is the F-14 A model and B model wings swept and the M2k S5 & 5F.

The mirage does not have the ability to unsweep like the Tomcat and suffers in WWII dogfight regimes and landing.

Mirage is fine, maintains control of the aircraft down to 50 knots as it says per the manual. The F-16 falls out of the sky below 110 knots. In-game the F-16 maintains high (35+ degrees) AoA and can fly down to 50 knots as well (not maintaining altitude).

It’s due to this overperformance of solely the F-16 that it is dominating the game right now. It is why people think the MiG-29 has to be sub-par or underperforming.


Many things fall out of the sky but don’t in game mig.

Report it, source correctly. It’s really easy. Reports don’t take much effort when you have a primary source.

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I do not want to because I understand this is a video game and so does Gaijin Entertainment

Regardless, you went into the rant about wing design when in reality the F-16 is worse than the Mirage 2000 in low speed performance / handling. You want to say the MiG-29 is underperforming but it doesn’t have any discrepancies (at least none we can show in a worthwhile report currently).

So why should the F-16? Gaijin has acknowledged and given us a reason; instructor limitations. Might still be worth reporting specifically the low speed AoA limit but I’ll carry that on to the correct thread.

Now, its a rant because you demonstrated you still have no knowledge about aircraft? GG.

My guy, I provided a link to NASA to help you understand the negative effects of the delta in subsonic flight compared to other swept designs. Of course, you failed to visit the site.

You have a Napolean complex and its becoming quite the inconvenience.

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It’s irrelevant. I pointed out the Mirage 2000s performance is better at low speed than the F-16. I referenced the primary materials for the F-16 to show this. A general paper stating something that doesn’t apply to either aircraft (they have relaxed stability and all sorts of modern advancements). You’ve gone on a rant about these before.

This is why it’s important to actually understand what you’re saying and reference a good source. If you just copy / paste some wall of text with no understanding of how it’s being applied you’re gonna end up in this situation that you’re in.


I have, and you know what GJ ended up doing?

They increased the aerodynamics and high Mach performance of the Mirage 2000 with zero addition to engine thrust at the time.

Because I know wtf I am talking about and you cannot differentiate what a canard and strake are.

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Describe the two and how they differ from Kfir to M2K

People bug reported it to match newer available information, it’s performing as it should. The F-16 is not. Gaijin has stated why that is and said they’ll fix it. That doesn’t preclude the fact that the F-16 is overperforming and the M2K / MiG-29 are not.

Canards can generate lift, strakes do not.

Strakes only destabilize airflow in high angles of attack and do not provide additional lift themselves.

next question.

Can you show me how much lift the Kfirs canards generate in level flight?