The more I look into this fighter, literally every source from the Western perspective and Eastern experience as well as allied nations experience with it and regardless of myself personal distaste for Mikoyan failed platforms.
The Mig29 is a perfected dogfighter especially for its role.
There is also no legitimate reason at this time that any other brand new Mig29M nor K. (Hear me out)
it is also why all sources point out that upgrades were so few and far between and if any thrust enhancement was carried out, it was recently far down the production run history.
The simple reason the Soviets saw was, no need.
I agree as well because that thrust was so efficient that output did not need to be upgraded even in the SMT with the soviets knowing the of additional weight. It is GJ that still has yet to appreciate aircraft with such capabilities as a 1:1 thrust to weight.
The Mig29’s RD-33s possesses of the highest rated output performance and qualities and directly played a part in defining standard 1:1+ hallmark technologies that make up the 4th generation as only this fighter and the F15 had this performance since prototype and the first batch of serial production deliveries rolled of the line and was second only to the F-15 for years.
To put in perspective, even today those performances are of a capability that many nations struggle to reproduce in their own domestic designs. The countries that can actually design and develop similar high-performance engines are few and have only obtained the ability such as China very recently.
The RD-33 possess thrust to weights far beyond peer fighters such as the F/18C which sits at like 0.96:1 which by the way is said to go up to a 1:12:1 on 50% internal as well as the Su27 with a 1.07:1 with 56% internal fuel and a 0.91:1 with full fuel.
So how the hell is the SMT not performing? As I never dare get in range of a dogfight with 20min and up.
I have not verified the Su27.
But we know it’s a massively larger aircraft made of the exact design philosophies and Technolgies in the Fulcrum, yes, it is aerodynamical perfected and FBW guided, but with a lower thrust weight which carries 3x the amount of R27E variants. What makes any of you think the Fulcrum which has a 1:09:1 from the gate is going to be affected this pathetically in WT even less than 50% internal fuel not have the same effect on the Flanker?
What makes any of you think the Flanker will not suffer like the SMT? This is why this needs to be addressed and heavily scrutinized, the ridiculous idea that upgrades will completely take a Fulcrum to under the level of the weaker powered fully fueled/armed block 10. The SMT literally has no say in a 1v1 vs the F16 of any variant. The fight is completely in the F16s hands at the moment, and it is not historical.
Over what a fuel probe and enlarged 1# fuel tank that is just slightly larger than previous?? No additional fuel pumps were added iirc? So, where is the weight coming from? the avionics? Analog computers especially of military grade by IBM are insanely heavy if anyone has had the opportunity. Just by switching to digital greatly increases room and weight. Just the fact they switched to MFD is the equivalent of just removing the big ugly television tubes displays completely.
Only reason I do not think we should accept this idea is because it is not historical or technical and if the Mig29 SMT performance remains the same, the Flanker will surely fall as well. In which basic conventional lift in wing and even the entirety enhanced aerodynamic integral design that is still an application in 4th and 5th gen of fighters. The significant loss of roll rate and pitch as speeds far slower than any other Mig29. That alpha is limited in degree but is dependent on airspeed and unlike the Mig29G where there is no limit for alpha that is speed dependent as far as I can tell, and I can pull alpha going as fast as I want (not max) but definitely enough to drastically slow the G down. The SMT has no ability to roll or pull any alpha going the same high Mach numbers as the G.
btw the entire time the G is actually heavier over the two when I engage targets, and nothing is felt ever like it is in the SMT. (will explain)