Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I used it for one report, all subsequent testing I’ve ever done (inconveniently) used localhost:8111


and here

Because like with the MiG-21 example, I immediately provided a source to back up my refute.

If you read the comments, the dev responses were that they acknowledge the issue and state it cannot be fixed… the overperformance was intentional because they cannot properly model the aircraft at the moment and have chosen to hand-hold the American tech tree users. They’ve been able to implement a interim solution for the Mirage 2000, but not for the F-16… this is the double standard I wish they’d revert and apply to all of these aircraft.

No, most of them resulted in small changes here and there that brought us closer to adhering the same standard across the board.

In fact, some buffed American equipment greatly.
Some buffed French equipment greatly.
or their ordnance

There are a multitude more reports that you’ve previewed if you’ve been to my profile. Your entire goal here is to derail the thread and annoy me, why are you even bothering? Nothing you do will stop them from fixing the F-16.

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(You’ve known me for <2 years and were in my squadron for less than 1… and played maybe a day every other weekend). Since then, you’ve used what you know about me personally to try and slander me on a public internet forum.

Any video testing I’ve done in-game was shared in a youtube video of the testing on my reports. I’ve never once lied or altered this testing to further any kind of narrative or agenda. You’ve resorted to this, lying, derailing, harassment.

You’ve failed to provide a basis for any argument you’ve made on this forum to my knowledge. Waiting on others to post less valid sources in lieu of a multitude of better primary ones doesn’t further your opinion for you;

Most likely 100, a clean plane. ПЛС it’s like a DRAG INDEX. It is useless in calculations. It is more used to calculate the range and duration of the flight

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lol, right? Need to learn some Russian.

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I’ll write in a personal account…but everything is in Russian…

It was a test board. He was forbidden to make a Bell and a Cobra

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Could you translate what is written inside the red circle?

My translator translates it as “socks put away” and “socks”… I think it refers to the slats, but to be sure I am asking you

Socks are released. LE are omitted
Socks are removed. LE removed

So basically I need to take the continuous line, since in game slats are extending

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The first MiG-29s did not have an adaptive wing, i.e. the LE was produced at the maximum angle. In version 9-15, an adaptive wing was made. For a smoother flow



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Done a relatively quick drag calculation (still need to check everything again, so I will post again tomorrow as in Italy it’s past mid night right now) and figures for chart 6.4 unfortunately are not for 13000kg. AoA needed to sustain 5g at 550kph TAS (500kph IAS) at 2000m for that weight is ~21.5º, which corresponds to around 1.325Cy → 0.44 Cx → Over 19000kg of Drag, which is far above the 11834kg (12720kg * cos 21.5º) tangent thrust value.

So unless the aircraft is missing thrust the value for chart 6.4 seem to be calculated for a mass close to empty weight.

That said the figures for chart 6.14 are right for a mass 13000kg (which matches @ZVO_12_INCH tables)

All of this means that, unless aircraft is missing quite a lot of thrust, the MiG-29 is only slightly underperforming (more detail on this tomorrow).

The reason chart 6.4 and 6.14 match well at higher speeds could very well be because mass matters a lot less at higher speeds


A bit of a mistranslation here.

Graph 2.13 shows the relation of the lift coefficient of a balanced plane (Cy.bal, y-axis) to the drag coefficient (Cx, x-axis). The plane is clean (no ordinance/fuel tank) at H=0 with flaps retracted (not deployed).
The smooth line is for the leading edge retracted.
The dashed line is for the leading edge deployed (slats) at (delta = -20°).

“убраны” - “retracted” (or “removed”, depending on context)
“выпущены” - “deployed”

Graph 2.14 shows the relation of the aerodynamic quality (K, y-axis) to the lift coefficient of a (not necessarily balanced) plane (C_y, x-axis). The plane is clean at M = 0.6.
“Выпуск носков”, in the middle of the graph, means “Slapts deployment”.
For some reason, the lines flip from smooth to dashed as they intersect, but thankfully the slat angle is outlined for both sections.


Thanks, all much clearer now.

I will check everything again tomorrow and share it all here.

Ended up using the dashed line (which is better for higher Cl) anyway when i calculated the drag value of over 19000kg.

It seems the slats actually improve lift to drag ratio quite a bit on the MiG-29 beyond a certain AoA (which is why the 2 lines cross in the second chart)

Since this polar diagrams were done at H=0 I will do the same calculations for the overloads on the German manual.
Although Cy to Cx ratio should be independent of altitude


you only calculate the thrust on the X axis, but for some reason you forget to add a component from the thrust P × Sin AoA to lifting force. Grahf 6.4 mass 13000kg
5G= Yp/G or Y+P×sinAoA/G (Lift+P×sinaoa)/G

You don’t understand much about what I’m talking about

This Thread will remain Civilized… Do not know how many times it needs to be said…
Bulling and harassment will NOT be tolerated whatsoever…
You will either Respect fellow members of the community, or… more warnings will be issued… one member already has some time away