Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 & MiG-31 Foxbat / Foxhound - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I don’t see the PESA+R-33/R-37M combo being terrible, on top of that being the highest accelerating interceptor that can hit the highest speeds.


2x over wing CM rails with 30CM each equals 18 now? That math aint mathing.

I see no reason to assume a MiG-25PD or likely PDS being any higher than the first PD phantoms or MiG-23MLs, certainly not top tier anymore.

Except that it won’t? It is not going to come into the game with 1.5x the 4.5G safety limit that only exists for the potential for aileron reversals due to high wing flex. For one thing, no other aircraft that has been added has been so constrained, and another is they are completely irrelevant outside of Sim due to the game literally giving every aircraft FBW controls.

It’s maneuverability will be fine, especially at high altitudes and high speed where it matters for its role.

And as far as the MiG-31 is concerned, the F-14 IRIAF already demonstrates that high speed, long range missiles is more than capable of making the average cro-magnan premium jet tier players think it’s too OP.


Especially considering we have the early F-15E flight model precedent, where people were just flying at mach 2.5 pulling 7-8Gs turn at high altitude raining amraams and defeating stuff just by going cold.
MiG-31 has a 5G safety limit, times 1.5 is 7.5 which is what F-15E was pulling.

MiG-31M especially not only goes faster than the release F-15E flight model but probably accelerates better too thanks to even stronger engines, it has an upgraded version of the zlasom that would already be an excellent radar, plus it gets 6 R-37s and 4 R-77s.

Imho it would be fairly devastating with R-37s


Okay, then the mig 31 might be somewhat workable, especially the later variants just because of its missile load out. But the mig 25? That thing will be utter trash/hard to balance.

Not rly. MiG-25BM can be pretty decent bomber and PD depends on how R-40D will be effective.

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R-40 has same manuvering capability as R-24. It will be an even better R-24 due to the range increase.


yes, but the radar its attatched to doesn’t have look down shoot down capability. plus, the mig 25 (until the most modern models) didn’t have CMs. so it would be a very hard plane to balance

Also, i really doubt the mig 31 will retain speeds like how the first release f-15e would. Plus, the mig 31 would have tornado syndrome in the point that it can’t turn fast enough to notch, unless it’s really able to throw out its missiles from further away than any other air craft can. With how the r-77 is currently, i doubt it

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You’d have to climb to go fast (as in MiG-25/31 levels of fast) - sticking yourself above the rest of the team and standing out as a target. Not a super-brilliant idea when the sky is full of Fakours and AIM-54s.

Be in no doubt, we just don’t have maps big enough at the moment. A big interceptor would be a real liability in 9/10 games.

Signed. Long Suffering Tornado F3 player.

The MiG-31 is significantly faster than the F-15

The later Mig-25s do have that capability

Stop writing nonsense


The first mig 25s had a worser radar than the mig 23

All MiG-25s had ejection seats.

what does that have to do with the terrible radar

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itll be like a f104A highly good boom and zoom fighter

this is true

i would like to know if east germany would Get a model of it

On the PD and PDS versions, the radar was modified and could hit targets against the ground.


Which doesn’t matter as the PD or PDS which are the most likely to be see, it essentially had an upscaled version of the MiG-23 radar already in-game! It is already a known quantity as to how it would function in-game. And guess what? It does just fine in the role it needs to fill, or even shooting low to low.