Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 'FLOGGER' - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Oh for the OP would be ok adding in a expandable list a list of MiG-23 bug reports including fixed ones (but have them crossed out if fixed)
something like:


Missing passive interference modes
Incorrect Vertical scan on the MiG-23MLD
[M̶i̶G̶-̶2̶3̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶I̶F̶F̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶M̶V̶ ̶m̶o̶d̶e̶] (fixed)(Community Bug Reporting System)

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longest “I dont have a source” ever if I ever read one

like 23M said if you dont have a source thats fine but everything youre saying at this point is just mindless rambling

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Yes we can do a bug report list or something on the bottom. That would be cool, or I can include it in the second “placeholder” comment I left.

So, it should be easy to point to one thing I said that makes no sense. Right? Unless you have zero knowledge about the Mig23s design history as well? You made the claim I am crazy. Back it up with a source stating otherwise.
Hell, I did not even ask you to back up that statement with source, but simply asked what any of I said was crazy and did not make sense, you could not even do that. Now I am supposed to provide source? When cannot you understand the content in the first place? Fascinating

With your standard. A childish one, a person cannot speak or claim anything on this forum without providing a source attached to it because you two said so? Anything said will be considered as mindless rambling? That’s your logic. Where is the guidelines on that one.

Like I said, I rather enjoy how oddly upset this is making you two. However, I will attach files and pictures etc. when I feel like it. Don’t be too upset about it.

We have, for some time now…

It is not a childish standard to expect someone to back up a claim about something with a source… that’s the standard expectation for the discussion. We are here to discuss the history, design, and performance of something and not your opinion of it. We can’t do that with solely your opinion and might I add… they are WILD.

Lol then why do you keep pinging me to come to your topics!! LMFAO!!!

You invited me here silly, to converse with you after I made it clear I have no interest. You actually thought, fora second that you were going to ask me to come discuss with you in your 23 topic and it would be productive? That we are will share sources together and play patty cake? That is kind of pathetic.

You keep inviting me to all of your created threads. So, you sure as hell love hearing what I have to say about any given topic!

You made a claim, sounded interesting and I wanted to know if you had a respectable source… you do not, no further discourse is necessary. If you had something worthwhile I could add it to the OP.


Never knew that. Would be nice to see a MiG-23ML (Early) in the TT w/ R-23s and R-60s


He literally then proceeds to ignore the fact that he invites me to every thread even after I made it clear, I have no interest ever in discussing anything with him especially sit there provide my research and sources.

To top it off the guy runs off to cry & complain, saying I was bullying him, and still thinks it’s a good idea to invite me to his new topic like it’s now going to be sunshine in rainbows? Fascinating, and sad.

He obviously loves to hear what I have to say about any given platform and my opinion of them.

No? I said you saying MiG-23M had no source for something he was saying was crazy because you yourself have been saying a bunch of wacky stuff without providing any source to make it not wacky stuff.

everything you’ve been saying and to defend yourself is “dude trust me it makes sense to me”

You’ve been going on a borderline tantrum over people pointing out “hey man do you have anything to back up what you’re saying” listen man if you dont have any proof thats fine but drawing this out by doing everything except either providing evidence for what you are saying or humbly admitting you were misguided on something is just childish

@DracoMindC @Giovanex05

Even the Airforce of Belarus equipped the MiG-23MLD with the R-73 in active service for quite some time.


Hmmm, what was one single “wacky” idea and reason behind it that I have provided?

That the Soviets had a doctrine in place during the cold war that was to design the harder to replace and maintain units with some captured NATO pieces as to cut down logistics in the idea that a
large scale war with the West was imminent? That the Mig23 shares various parts that can be replaced as it was in the Soviets War planning that they would capture a large number of NATO airbases?

Or that the US government had an effort in a CIA black project to secretly procure Soviet and Chinese fighters shipping them to Nevada and test and evaluate full capability as well as develop an intense years lasting training program and offered only to best pilots of each branch?

later in life they got them more often, like Bulgaria there’s a lot of pics of their MLDs (fun fact theyre the only former warsaw pact country thats not former USSR to use the 23-18) but originally it was mostly a unicorn in service since stuff like the MiG-29 and Su-27 had priority. Not to say they didn’t use them just during the 80’s it was rare

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Well, they ended up using them quite a lot. The only country that did not equip their MLD’ with R-73 regularly was Syria (they obtained them much later, and do not have the adapter rails afaik).

The MiG-23MLD is still underperforming in-game, I think it might be time to report the missing jamming station.

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ok so clearly you dont understand what im saying

You are the one making these claims, it is up to you to prove them

this is a claim

this is also a claim

this is also a claim

now all you need to do is provide evidence for your claims and boom you have a solid argument thats not just deeply unserious rantings :)


You were off topic in the MiG-29 thread, I provided a place to share the information away from there. That is all. In fact, I figured the common myths and misconceptions would be brought up and we could squash them early but you are sticking to even wilder and more outlandish claims than I’ve heard from anyone on the forum. Almost as wild and outlandish as saying 20mm NATO can be fired from 23mm Gsh-23 guns.

No need to reply further, he will continue to share nothing relevant or useful.

Depends on what you define as a lot I guess, for the most part R-60s were used and by the 90’s they gradually started to use R-73s more and more tho by the end of the 1990s Russia opted to retire all their single engined fighter/attack aircraft so that got cut short. Countries that used their MLDs long (which for 23-18s is only former SSR nations+Bulgaria) did use them more frequently

its not missing that, the jamming station was only for 23-37/47 aircraft (MiG-23MLDG) these aircraft never entered service

That’s interesting, we have some conflicting information then. What is your source?

Victor Markovsky’s MiG-23 book

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