Mikoyan-Gurevich I-250 (MiG-13), motorjet for the Russia.

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Mikoyan-Gurevich I-250 (MiG-13)


The People’s Commissariat for Defense in 1944 had decided to create an aircraft capable of countering the German Me.262 jet fighters, which had just appeared in the skies of the Eastern Front. Design work began in February 1944 and within a month the plans for the vehicle were ready. After a short while we worked on the wooden mockup and finally we worked on the prototype, which left the factory to go on the track in November of the same year. Between March and April 1945 the plane made its first flight and in May 1945 it reached its speed record of 800 km/h. However, stability problems were detected in the flight and an in-flight accident decreed the future end of the project, of which an order for various vehicles was canceled even though at least a dozen had already been produced. Unfortunately the plane was not followed and the vehicles were gradually deregistered and scrapped.

Armament and propulsion.

The plane, in order to be able to counter its German counterparts well, was armed with three 20 mm Berezin B-20 cannons with 160 rounds each. All the armament was placed in the nose of the plane and one of the two cannons fired through the propeller hub.
Speaking of propulsion, the aircraft was powered by a supercharged V12 Klimov VK-107R piston engine with 1650 hp power coupled to a Khalshchevnikov Uskoritel VRDK motorjet turbocharger with 2.9 kN thrust. With this powerful engine the plane could reach a maximum speed of 820 km/h.



Crew: 1
Lenght: 8,2 m
Height: 3,7 m
Wing span: 9,5 m
Wing area: 15 m²
Maximum weight: 3028 kg
Maximum speed: 825 km/h
Ceiling speed: 11900 m

Pictures and drawnings.





Mikoyan MiG-13 (I-250)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-13 - Wikipedia
I-250 (MiG-13, N) - Испытатели
Mikoyan-Gurevich I-250 - Wikipedia


+1, I really want to see this one in game, motorjets are very interesting


This would finally complete the line with the I-225. Im totally for it and i hope they will add it.


Yes, and put it in the tech tree. The MiG line is really empty at Rank 4 and this is perfect to bridge the mammoth gap between the I-225 and MiG-9.


+1 im speechless <3

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looks like the plane’s been bulpuped

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+1 Always wanted to see some mixed power aircraft ingame.