mig29smt now is kind of weak,i think it should get r77-1,the r77 x6 is useless,if mig29smt got the r77-1, i think it can change the BR to 13.7
Well, every r77 should be switched to R77-1 on soviet vehicles, since R77 was more the export variant, and 77-1 was for own use.
It’s more accurate on german mig compared to soviet mig
As BVVD said - thats 14.0 missile
yeah, so every aim 120 should be moved on 14.0 since it’s still worse compared to it
Sure, and I want PL-15.
The 6x R-77s are fine and should be 13.7 in its current state.
Well if you claim that 77-1 would make those 14.0 jets, then every aim 120 slinger should also be.
120 is still better compared on 77-1.
(it is abysmal dogwater)
Imagine, it could be worse, imagine being 12.7 and having only 2 missiles (r27ER) and 4 moving flares… ( R60M’s)
The 77-1 it self is better than the 120, not for much tho, also american plataforms (F-15E) are still better
Well, I hope you get around to playing it.
Cause despite using it as a bomber until exactly 1 match into its fighter role now that I have R-77s for it, my KDR remained 1:1.
To put this in perspective, my other stock-grind jets range from 0.4 - 0.7 during that portion of the grind.
Mig-29SMT held my hand with its performance being at 13.3 when its competitors were 0.3 higher.
The downtiers I got were wild, and no 12.7 let alone the 12.3s I was seeing deserved seeing my jet.
I have played, quite a lot actually, in the press account i got for tournaments in november, it is beyond abysmal dog water, the F-15C (13.7) runs circles around it on every aspect
People playing like monkeys =/= plane good
Of course you cite the most OP 13.7 in the game when its literal twin is 14.0. XD
Mig-29SMT is among the fastest jets combined with R-77s is a lethal combination.
Even running R-73 as backup to scare a furball is potent.
I cant imagine someone claiming seriously that 120 is worse vs 77-1
especially when even worst 120 platform does air kills better compared on su30 (Harrier)
77 and 77-1 has same problem on both, they lose so much energy when enemy just turns 90 on left or right, that you dont even need chaffs to get rid of em.
You right, sorry, it is worse than the F-16C, worse than the Su-27SM, than the Gripens, J-10A, M2K-5F, F-16AM, maybe even worse than the Su-34. But sure, lets rise one of the worst FOX-3 carrier to 13.7
In 13.7 there is no furballs
If you want to see every 120A upgraded to a 120B and the Bs to C-5S, sure.
But they are, for close range it turns better, and for BVR it is faster
120A and 120B are the same missile btw
yeah, in paper it should “turn” better, still it is a lot more easyer to get rid of compared to 120 on close range.
yeah faster on bvr range where they are still lacklusters while they lose so much energy and feels like they got chute behind em , compared on 120’s
Only threat still on 20km+ ranges is 120 while playing, if you dont fly dead straight ignoring rwr
I do not believe that adding R-77-1s to the SMT would push it to 14.0.
Mainly due to the fact that in the Su-30SM, you can shoot off HALF your missiles, and still have MORE than the SMT at spawn…