MiG-29SMT's flight model needs a revision

I knew I would manage to send the wrong graph for either one of them lol… yeah previous one was without AB (a MiG21 can do better than 12 deg/sec lol). Edited with right picture.

On the MiG-29 manual LPM stands for Limited Power Mode, NPN stands for Normal Power Mode

The issue with your Mig-29 docs is they lack a deg/s indicator only showing sustained Gs.

That and the Block 50 NATOPS cannot be shared on the forums as it is restricted material.

Those sustained Gs are acceleration (not force), to calculate deg/sec just use radius = V^2/(G9.81) and then find turn time with 2πradius/V . With turn time available do 360/turn time and you have deg/sec.
Eg at 650 kph (~350knt), which is a pretty high speed to sustain already, F-16C deg/sec is around 20.5 deg/sec, while for the MiG29 it is ~20deg/sec (19.95 to be exact).

Why would it be restricted? It’s one of the first things you can find online and F16C is older than 30 years


You know, just this:

Well, seems that this website https://www.loneflyer.com/2018/10/17/f-16-contro-mig-29-prima-parte/ either does not care about it or that picture is not restricted… anyway since I don’t want any trouble removed the picture… still the MiG-29 rates not far off the F-16 like I said

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A correction in AOA to justify the energy lose will be very much satisfying my request already, as I also don’t want any overcorrection to happen which again breaks the balance, since I already think SMT is the second best jet here in top tier and definitely a potent competitor. With the update in RWR I hope gaijin is looking into some ways of making SMT more fun to play while not game breaking, which should go along with our requests.

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Can I ask you from what page of practical aerodynamics the sentence is for? Could be really useful for a bug report I am going to do about MiG-29’s rate

Section 6. Maneuverability Characteristics of the aircraft page 179


That manual is actually very helpful, thanks for sharing and gonna check that out

It has much less information than the Russian one, but at least the graphs are clearer (bigger) and it’s in a language I can understand properly

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You do realise the mig29smt has the same engine as the 9.13 and that f16c is the one that has the engine upgrade, right?

MiG-29 9.12/13 need a revision as well.


@Ziggy1989 this is probably a better thread for you to post your sources on the SMT’s underperforming flight model.

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You turn once and all of your speed it drained, energy retention is thrown out the window. It regains speed at almost half the time it takes the normal mig 29s.

Also the mig 29s in real life are able to turn 25 Degrees a second Sustained and 28 Degrees instantiations.

Currently in game its 22 Degrees Sustained and 24 Degrees Instantaneous. Thats what the complaints are all about, realistically the Mig-29 and the F-16 can out dogfight each other, however in war thunder the F-16 is better in every way when that is just not the case irl.


Regaining speed in half the time is quicker, I’m assuming you meant the opposite? I don’t think the SMT accelerates at half the speed of the 9-13 regardless.

That definitely isn’t true. The SMT gets a better radar and much better SARH missile. In general the F-16 is always going to have a better fm than the mig29, as it’s a lighter aircraft with great wing loading and thrust to weight. This is true in real life too. The MiG-29 had much better range than the F-16, but that comes at a cost of weight.

Whether or not the MiG-29/SMT are underperforming is different though. Apparently they are meant to be tweaking the FM tomorrow(?) Maybe things will be better if they move them closer to the F-16 performance (not better).

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Correction: Half the energy in the same time, compared to the Mig-29 varients.

You’ve completely missed the mark, fact is what everyone here is talking about is dogfights.
Realistically Mig-29s (Minus the SMT, however it somewhat applies) can pull 25 Degrees a second Sustained and 28 Degrees Instantiations.

In Real life the Mig-29 can turn inside the F-16s turn circle, that’s because the F-16 was mainly a better rate fighter and struggles to fight the Mig-29 in One circle dog fights since both of them were competitive, but the Mig-29 was slightly better in One circle fights.

The Skill sets of both aircrafts should be relatively equal, however in war thunder the F-16s dominate in every dogfighting strategy regardless of skill. It would be nice to see Gaijin waking up to the many in depth historical reports that has been made on the Mig-29s. But I guess they might just keep it nerfed.


Surely they should be given a boost to AoA if anything then?

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who knows what the Snail is thinking, either way good days.

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They missed because the pilots were well trained to avoid missiles in war thunder 99% of players don’t know that they can be avoided easily