MiG-29 Sniper - modification for Romanian Air Force

+1 for a Romanian tree

Why the hell should it go to Germany?

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Another subtree for Italy??
I want my trainers and Lancer’s too


I think Romania will for serve more as a filler to Italy rather as a sub tree.


Hopefully it can be more than just a filler, Romania has quite a lot of unique modifications/designs for all types of warfire.

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Hopefully a sub tree system can be put into place to allow more sub nations to be added into existing nations. iirc Italy now has 5 lines of vehicles now that Hungary was added, Romanian vehicles wouldn’t fit in the current research tree.

They still can be placed in between.
For example, there is my theoretical full TT with Italy, Romania and Hungary.


Strange idea, I prefer them redoing the UI for tech trees to fit more lines.

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Idk for me it’s well-grounded, since Hungarian lines are quite empty and Romanian stuff fits well into them. Also most of Hungarian c&p planes (as well as some tanks) which were added in previous updates were also used by Romania and could just get Romanian camos (like IL-28 market livery for example or the one for Bf-109G-2).
I honestly don’t see it as a 6th line unless both Hungarian and Romanian lines are filled with extreme level of C&P (and/or incomplete stuff), though it’s all another subject, this suggestion is about Sniper, but not about Romania in general)

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I very much like this union of the Hungary subtree with Romanian stuff. It reminds me a bit of the Romania subtree suggestion I wrote a few months before the Hungary subtree was officially announced. I think putting RO+HU together is a great way to cut down on C&P


+1 Damn, someone was quicker making a suggestion about it

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Sorry mate XD
There are still plenty to suggest though: LanceRs, IAR-93 variants, IAR-99 and etc. There is criminally low amount of suggestions about Romanian stuff on the new forum.

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Because it was made and tested by a partnership between DASA (Germany) and Elbit (Israel).

Ok, but the hardware was from Elbit, so there’s probably more of a reason for it to go to Israel, using that argument.

Either way I’d prefer a Romanian TT if there are enough vehicles for one.

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Another photo ;)

So from gameplay point of view it has better RWR, and the same R-73 Gaijin refused to add to the HU MiG-29 cause they want it to keep it at the current br…literally the same.

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That can be said about almost every MiG-29 in game, lack of R-73, but presense of R-27ER/ET. They are still not as bad as Italian F-16ADF which is missing its AIM-120 and IRCCM Sidewinders, but instead keeping Sparrows, despite there is at least one source stating that equipment needed to use them was removed, though maybe a similar case.

Would love for this and other unique aircraft variants to eventually replace the horrendious copy and paste Hungarian line

I think Israel should get it, as Italy and Germany already have MiG-29s and Israel is in a desperate need for more new cool stuff. Germany even got another upgraded 29, the 29G. Besides, Elbit Systems played a major role in making this aircraft - and Elbit is a part of the Israeli ministry of defense.

A +1 from me. Would be nice to have in the Italian tree

I really like the idea to have this aircraft ingame but I would like to see it in the same form as the YAK 141.
On this site there are additional informations by a retired pilot who took part to the program @YaSen

Considering what it’s been said in this interview and what the LanceR program brought to the table, I think it would be cool to see some additions like:
-Radar ELTA EL/M 2032
-Air to Air: Magic 2, Python 3, ARH missiles(arguable due to balancing)
-Air to Ground: Litening II pod, Opher Infrared guided bomb, Griffin LGB.

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