MiG-23MLD have STR better than early F-16 and Rafale =)
To eliminate the influence of fuel weight, I gave these aircraft a minimum amount
Important - the wing sweep for mig-23 must be set manually.
MiG-23MLD have STR better than early F-16 and Rafale =)
To eliminate the influence of fuel weight, I gave these aircraft a minimum amount
Important - the wing sweep for mig-23 must be set manually.
Currently the mig 23 series of planes are overperforming in STR, so it’s not surprising
But remember, dogfighting isn’t just looking at STR. Bleed rates/SEP is also super important. That’s why the gripen is so damn good, it’s str isn’t that special but it’s speed loss at high speed is so low to the point where it can beat planes like the Rafael in a dogfight. The f14a/b have the highest STR in the game. Does that mean they’re the best dog fighters? Ofc not, because they only achieve that at high speed which makes it unsustainable+ fairly big turning circle/radius.
I feel like everything that you would need to know is in this thread
So you really don’t need this thread up