I bought this aircraft in March last year to grind the USSR tech tree, and my God… it was amazing to play. The R-24R missiles would hit their targets 90% of the time when locked using the radar’s SDC mode. But then came the “historical” update, where the developers supposedly found “secret” documents proving that the SDC mode was completely useless…
Let’s Start with the Radar
The radar in SDC mode used to work like this: at altitudes up to 3 km above the ground, it wouldn’t be fooled by countermeasures (chaff). It was more or less balanced because as soon as you climbed above 3 km, the radar turned into a pumpkin—falling for chaff, losing locks, and becoming completely unplayable. But after the update, the radar started working historically, meaning it barely works at all.
Technically, it still functions, but only when your aircraft’s nose is pointed below the horizon. And even then, it now gets fooled by chaff in SDC mode as well, and even loses locks in a completely clear sky. The R-24R missiles are now useless without a working radar, and in the current matchmaker, the MiG-23ML has to fight against German MiG-29s, F-18s, and other top-tier aircraft.
So, why is facing stronger enemies considered a gameplay balance decision, but having a working (even if not completely historical) radar isn’t? Essentially, a year ago, I paid $55.64 for garbage. Fair? I don’t think so. If you’re going to nerf an aircraft this hard, at least lower its BR accordingly.
And I haven’t even mentioned the reduced engine thrust—now the MiG-23ML bleeds speed like crazy in maneuvers and takes forever to accelerate. But the radar? I won’t forgive you for that.
This has been a cautionary tale about why giving money to the snails is like playing Russian roulette—be ready for your purchase to turn into nothing.
Your nickname just tells everything.
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I knew this would be the first comment!)
It was massively overperforming, it got fixed.
Only took them 3 years to nerf it down to IRL levels.
It still has Large CMs where most have regular CMs.
It still has all-aspect IRs at a BR where most superosnic fighters have rear-aspect IRs
and it still has the best SARH at that BR.
Its still probably the strongest 11.7 in game right now and the fact it struggles in full uptiers is to be expected. If it didnt. Then it would be a higher BR (arguments can be made that it should be 12.0, not 11.7 quite easily)
Unless gaijin made a bunch of changes in this most recent update, I’ve had a fine experience with the MLA.
The MLD could go up, but not the ML or MLA.
What is the difference these days?
Leading edge slats only right?
The RWR for once, massive upgrade
I’m almost afraid to ask, but when was the last time you played the MiG? What all-aspect missiles? R-60M? R-24T? They get fooled by any flares, they’re just ineffective. No wonder every other MiG now isn’t even playing PvP but just flying off to bomb bases (even before the patch).
And yeah, I get that this is just like the F-18 and Viggen situation—they just scammed the buyers. But still, it feels pretty bad.
I thought MLA and ML got upgraded to SPO-15?
Or am I miss remembering
That doesn’t change the fact they can actually be launched in any aspect.
Nope, ML/A don’t get the SPO-15.
I fight against them loads in the Sea Harrier and Phantom FGR2 in SB.
Then use them much closer to the target
So are everyone else’s non-IRCCM missiles. Especially when firing a 9L against something with large calibre flares… Like the Mig-23ML
Well, listen, I can launch them, sure, but the thing is, I’m firing at real players, not bots. And they just pop flares, and the missile happily goes for them. They’re about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
Leading edge slats, and Spo-15 rwr. Both the ML and MLA are stuck with Spo-10.
Going from Spo-10 to Spo-15 is such a huge difference, and it probably deserves a BR increase.
R-24Ts are really great, and you are forgetting about the R-13Ms. The best loadout is 2 R-60Ms, 1 R-13, and 2 R-24s.
How were F-18 buyers scammed? They get an undertiered 12.3 plane.
Yep, Im mis-remembering, my bad
Learn to launch missiles better. R-60Ms excel in close range headons, and R-24Ts are some of the longest range IR missiles in the game. If the enemy doesn’t see you launch one, they will die to it.
The Mig-23 is also one of the fastest planes in it’s Br range too, so use that to your advantage.
I apologize, but I’m a complete newbie when it comes to simulator battles, so I can’t really say anything about that. I just don’t know how the MiG performs there.
Given its 11.3 when it should be at minimum 11.7.
Very very well. Especially as they usually outnumber bluefor 2 to 1.
They are a pain in the butt to fight
Well, listen, people aren’t stupid—90% of the time, they’re not just looking straight ahead. Right now, my only kills are those rare 10% who don’t bother looking anywhere else.
Then pick your targets better. I have over 450 kills between the MiG-23s. Getting all aspect IRs at its BR is insanely useful if you aren’t braindead .