MIG-23M and MIG-23MLD brs

Just stay at its BR or give R73 and move up to 11.7.
Problem solved

Fixes nothing putting r73 on mig 23 limits it to 4 missiles so it would still be 11.3

there is no plane can get r73 or aim9m still had br under 12.0.

you trolling right?

No i am not it limits mld to only 4 missiles

Like I said, having r73 in your equipment will increase mld to 12.0 or more. Would you like to see F4E/J, MIG21SMT/MF see r73 behind their butts?

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Still easier to flare than 9m So Yes would rather see 73 than 9m

You can think like that the whole time, this is a game balance and it won’t happen

Harrier GR.7/AV-8B

Anyway, staying at 11.3BR is best because they works counterpart of Phantoms that has PD.

no, in a normal battle mig23 is superior to F4, PD [Head-on only] and aim7f don’t give much advantage at the moment


This topic is nonsense, so it should stop here

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Su-25T gets them at 11.3, so does the Su-39, and Su-25BM

hey btw i just wanted to say that the F4C figting the MIG-23M wouldn’t be a good idea i meant F4E

Harrier GR-7 has 4x 9M with 600 countermeasures at 11.7 , same for AV-8B PLUS

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the MiG23 MLD is not only one of the best aircraft in the game weapon and avionics wise, it also has a nasty flight model, it is objectively better than mirage 2000 5f in every single regard other than sea level top speed and ultra slow speed one circle dogfights… and yet it sits a whole damn br lower.

It’s subsonic and it has no radar missiles like the Mig 23

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The Mirage 2000-5F smokes the MiG-23MLD in practically all conditions. There really isn’t a world where the Mirage 2000 is inferior to the MLD in a practical way.

You can try to rate fight the Mirage 2000… you’ll never come around the circle and he will just end up eating you alive by min radius turning in the center of your turn circle.


this and the fact that mig23ML/MLA/MLD have 11.7 performance and armament and yet sit BELOW stuff that is at 11.7 with 11.0 performance and armament is crazy.

armament wise the mirage 2000 falls behind. Two magic 2s and two 30g sparrows can’t really counter the second best SARH missile in game plus four more “angry moths” that go so fast they barely see flares from side aspect. MiG23ML family has sixty four large caliber countermeasures which are good enough to even deter aim9m’s. And Mirage 2000’s flight performance is closest to a j35d, which sits a whole BR and half lower.

That’s a whole lot of verifiably wrong information and anyone reading knows it. The R-24R is certainly not by any means the second best SARH and it DEFINITELY isn’t well supported by the radar set.

You make a good point about the countermeasures, but only with context. The Mirage 2000’s are equally as effective and there are some that are superior like the Gripen. Other aircraft at 11.3+ seem to have larger and hotter engines… but you can rest easy knowing it was my reports that increased the engine temps for the MiG-23 series.

In any case, the Mirage 2000 outperforms the MLD in both flight performance and armament across the board. The sole disadvantage is 2 less missiles which is a pretty useless point to make because the additional 2x angry moths really ain’t all that.


Long story short: You are coping. The MiG23 ML’s don’t see the gripen, so why even bring it here?

I don’t think this reply even needed to be addressed I just wanted to tell you to maybe re-read what was said because it’s clear you either didn’t understand it or don’t care to.

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