Merkava Siman 3 Dor Dalet LIC: The Urban Warrior

An image I’ve seemed to miss of the Merkava 3D LIC.

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Some enhanced images of the vehicle’s features that differentiate it from the base Merkava 3D. I tried to sharpen them a bit and enlarge them:

Front view showing the screens covering the vehicle’s optics and exhaust.

Rear view showing chains to protect against HEAT-shaped charges around the rear of the turret and the rear firing port.

View of the screen covering the Gunner and Commander’s sights.

Another view of the rear firing port.

View of the sensors, omnidirectional camera, and mounts on top.

Other image(s) of the vehicle.

Exposed turret armor filler.

  • LIC Summary: Includes lights for operating on roads, mesh guards over the exhaust, vents, and optics, pole markers with LED tips, anti-slip coating, towing points for vehicle recovery, reinforced rear door with a firing port, omni-panoramic camera, and additional underbelly armor plating for protection against and redirection of IED’s and mines.
    • Covers the gist of it. Further adaptations have been applied since the conflict began last year to include cope cages, etc.
    • These upgrade packages can be applied like the American TUSK for the Abrams, either just parts of it and or the whole package. Some of the upgrades became standard on all Merkava 3D’s.
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In this case, it is an infantry shooter’s loophole…

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This cleared some things up for me bc new sources said it was a camera for the driver but in actuality when comparing the new sources and this, in reality they were mixing up the port with this:

The omnidirectional camera. Thanks, I appreciate it.

Edit: Changes made.

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