Merkava being a cardboard

i literally said earlier i used 3bm22 and 3bm15

It’s an M60, it ain’t gonna protect against modern rounds.
A merkava however, should be able to defend itself against those.
People are saying: “It’s wAs MaDE To HanDLE hEaT ProJEcTILes!!”
Ok then, riddel me this:
Why do I get fucked by a heat round at THE FRONT and at the fucking turret cheek?

But even with all of that, the merkava should be able to protect against APFSDS.

I got pen’d by a T34 one time


I would like to discouss about the Merava armor. It’s so underwhelming and it doesn’t just make sense.


Merkava Mk3’s hull and turret are made from pure RHA - there is, no composite whatsoever. All composite armor comes in detachable modules strapped onto the hull and turret.

Thus, with armor modules on, the relative armor values are around:

front turret - 450mm against APFSDS, 700mm HEAT

upper glacis in thickest place - 420mm APFSDS, 650mm HEAT

lower glacis center - 170mm APFSDS, 250mm HEAT

lower glacis lower part - 220mm APFSDS, 350mm HEAT

Those are not particularly impressive values - on the level of T-72A - and really not great for a 60+ tonnes tank. Mk IV is better, no data, but probably + another 50/100mm of protection.

Right now Merkavas don’t have that armour to it at all.

Where did you get those pictures?

Is the previous dev server model in this photo now the same as the live?

fount them on the internet

Merkava Mk4 also misses 250mm of NERA(~425mm CE) on the sides of the hull as you can see here:

Create a bug report and provide the sources bro



Terrible modeling work… imagine being the heaviest modern tank that exists only to be designed with armor that can’t stop 3bm42.