Always wondered what the in game differences were between those two Mk.4Bs, other a slight visual change or two around the sights and exhaust if I recall.
Random Q for ya (if you by any chance you know the answer to it): Is there anything else that should be different between them in game or are they pretty realistic as is being near carbon copies.
That was the only difference I was aware of (along with the mine protection modification). Honestly they probably should have just made it a modification for the Mk4B given how little differences there are between the two.
I don’t agree with that since you could practically make the mk4b and the mk4m the same because of some modifications. For example: an merkava mk4 crew member told me that he is in a merkava mk4a-b-m which is a merkava 4b with an added aps ( to my knowledge this information is not classified)
No penetaration . Merkava proved its armor against chemical projectiles in Gaza, after 8 months only one vehicle was destroyed.
The Yasin 105 rocket is similar to the PG-7VR rocket, which is even weaker because it is made in a workshop and does not have the ability to penetrate the Merkava hull.