Meet the “Firebirds” Major Update!

The fact you just lied about what I said shows me you aren’t worth talking to either.

I’ve spent over $10k on this game, but nice try. It was a personal roadmap of vehicles and spades I’ve accumulated. I am an older guy interested in different things than a teenager who plays this game is. I also have ADHD and like to see even numbers and stats across my player card that I personally play and strive for. Who are you to tell anyone how and why they should be playing the game?


I’m Exactly the same 30K + Spent in 12 years, i have all premium and event vehicles in game, 44 year old.

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Glad to know I’m not alone …



Another update and another nothing has changed.
As anti-aircraft installations with radar hit against aircraft of the Korean War, so they hit, as there were sufferings on the first stillborn helicopters on unguided missiles and remained.
Take an aircraft with suspended weapons more than 700 points, anti-aircraft gun that successfully crushes tanks and costs 70 points, besides now they successfully withstand both a direct hit of a missile and a couple of feathered crowbars.
Oh, yes, but the picture is beautiful now.

Basically the ‘visual update’ contain some modification… that modification have an effect on concept and gameplay. Similar which contained the roadmap… which ruinned most of the maps.

Based on experience the blue marked place no flora… not just the trees, every single bush removed. It now not fit for RB this place.
Purple marked place rotated to right because from lime color marked place now able to shoot deeper into the houses.

Old factory from CDK view:


In other hand looks like the right side spawn and one of the closest building distance reduced, cover rail object removed. Spawns able to become trap.

Red marker on 2nd img shows the modified spawn location and now your view covered by buildings and spawn campers able to encircle this spawn. Also thanks to buildings you not able to set up ambush on that location and you need to move instead of spawn campers.



It’s looks like a minor things but if we think through with the mapper or tactical eyesight, we will be realise it’s a huge modification…

An also minor thing:
“Flanders** — adjusted the rock cover in square E7 where players could safely fire at the northern team’s spawn and its passages.”

What does it means?

Northern Team able to rush and push back his opponnent on South right spawn because from southern right spawn, players need to cross in opened railway track, and a hight ground forest where they not able to hide, and no cover object where they able to hide behind and stop Northern rush force.

That’ s a minor thing and have a huge effect for gameplay and for a map …




War Thunder "Firebirds" - Changelog

If only DX12 wouldn’t crash every so often

Hit analisis based on replay is an Awesome idea…now we able to collect proof when unfairmoment happens. Big thank you!

You know that thing is completly broken and sometimes useless? Kills ingame are shown as non-pens in the hit analysis etc. It doesn’t take movement of the tanks in account at all.

I have almost the same specs (i5 14400F, RTX 4060, and a 1080p 75hz monitor) i use high settings with ray tracing and the frame rate isnt bad, just fps drops and this “bloom” thing that looks ugly. and "video driver was hung and was restarted, texture quality was reduced. I HATE IT!

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Hmm intresting note and to tell the true have a point it. Doesn’t take the vehicle movement but correctly set the shots and vehicles angle. That’s ‘Hit analisis based on replay’ is still as an Awesome idea. If we only examine the case/cases where vehicles stopped or traveling on very low speeds, I have found 3 cases so far. Right now i have 3 proof when different happening ingame and in analysis. In two case both me and enemy tank stay on stop state, in the 3rd one the enemy tank moving and slow down when it suffered a shot. The shot is clean and came from front side and enemy player not turned his tank front armor to change his angle.

As i suspected from long time something not 100% right. Finally now we will able to create more accurate issue-s to help developers work. That’s my point of view.

Revert the Ammo Box Changes in Arcade. Its a significant nerf for all Rocket Vehicles and SPAA. Something they definilty did not need. Quite the opposite, they need a significant buff.
Give back the automatic refill to these vehicles and add the ammobox as an extra option.
Plus, added drop/penetration indicators to rocket vehicles who´s primary weapon is a rocketlauncher. Vehicles like 38cm Sturmmörser, Type 75 MLRS, BM-13N, etc. .

Please move the “Return to the Battlefield” message… It’s so annoying in the middle of screen Who thought this was a good thing…? God it’s almost as if the devs aren’t actually playing the game!

this needs to be taken care of asap, it´s definitely a glitch and i believe it was not intentional

thanks @Stona_WT , we hope to hear back from u

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icv- p Is modeled incorrectly its turret will raise its cannon over its own engine deck to avoid a non-existent mast or radio dome/ Please fix this

Whur Loot Crates?!?!?
That's What She Said

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Realism just flows in this game…
For those who are in the tank: kinetic ammunition cannot detonate an ATGM, it cannot initiate the detonation of explosives.

I understand that Bulannikov is sitting in the armored train)

How have they not FIX the hud on Chinese aircraft yet? Literally unplayable in Sim.
the game have a datalink bug on the tws

The airports really look good, I just wonder if there are any plans to use those airports in the game…