Meet the Auction!

You guys didn’t even implement all 2024 road map changes like helicopter damage models but you have to time to implement a casino


Me a console player watching this get released


so many problems in the game and they are worried about putting in another system to make easy money, without any transparency


Major, game breaking bug fixes fixed? Nope
Overhauled map design? Nope
Decent set of BR changes? Nope
Critical missing vehicles added? Nope
Decompression of all gamemodes? Nope

un-asked for auction system that appears to be just about making Gaijin money…? Yes


I feel the pain

Gaijin never learned the whole loot box loot crate gambling fiasco from a few years back I see


Gaijin please no auction it makes me big sad and I cry (little bit)


What’s the starting bid amount to get the number of researched/spaded vehicles and medals back on the player card?


Just please no exclusive to auction only vehicles? As a collector this would KILL my entire reason to continue playing. Already bad enough the spaded and unlocked vehicle stat has still yet to be readded to our statcards.


They wouldn’t have done this if they thought they had a pathway to further growth.


If they were thinking of replacing the market, they wouldn’t have increased the aftersell wait time for auction items to checks notes SIX months.

I mean, 3 months for battlepass coupons was already batsh*t, this is just dumb, just looking at that skin in your inventory every day for six full months before you can offload it is gonna really tick off even the people who went for this silly idea. Personally I kinda pity them.

This is my fear as well. I love playing this game. I’ve spent more hours in War Thunder than any other game, but it’s just sort of dying on the vine. I feel shameless monetization mechanics like this versus innovating the gameplay design is really the writing on the wall for how they view the roadmap.

You can only keep adding vehicles for so long without innovating the gameplay mechanics. Shooting at the same pillboxes in jet aircraft as I did in bi-planes 10 years ago, while introducing something like this…is wild.


Issue is it doesn’t even make sense from that perspective.

The profit motive on this would make sense, but it will only really bring in coin from whales who’ve very little self respect. I only pick premium and event stuff up from Gaijin to give my opinions on the items to friends and such, so even I who spend a touch too much on this won’t engage with the auction. So it’ll only really bring in coin from a minority of the minority who fork out for every premium.

When they could create better game modes, improve maps, and resolve egregious BR placements which would bring in more players and increase player retention. Couple this with a reduction in cost of premium items, and improved premium account bonuses and you would have more profit than the minor amount this is likely to bring in. They could even encourage servers with lowered capacity in regions that lack them (oceania) to bring in players from these regions, which could improve the number of people who would engage financially with the product if coupled with the prior listed changes.

It’s just short sighted and ignorant. The profit motive they’re looking at is pretty much a lie, minimal effort for minimal returns. It is actions like this that will kill the product, and they would frankly deserve it.


It’s plateaued. February will be the third month in a row with fewer Steam players than there were a year ago. That’s only the second time that’s ever happened going back to the early game, the first was in spring 24. No shame, it’s been a good run, I mean that sincerely. Still years left, but at this point it’s as much about keeping the veterans spending as it is about growth.

2025 avg 2025 peak 2024 avg 2024 peak
Dec 62,586.80 116,654 65,773.90 112,141
Jan 62,799.70 105,873 66,052.20 105,330

How badly they ran their game in in last two to three years it is miracle it didn’t happen before


Why just why

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And I thought the new player profile was bad……

So many items in this game need to be addressed and this is what the 🐌 releases to the players?

2025 isn’t off to a great start for WT.


Is the real reason an unwillingness to share money? OMG
Please don’t leave Steam xdd

Massive L

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Wayyyy too early for April Fools right?