Meet Skilled Marksman, the 16th Season of the Battle Pass!

Would it not be nice to be able to chose a vehicle of old from a list once a sufficient BP level is raised.Even if it was an option for paying customers only.

I might consider dusting off the credit card and playing more if could get the Sd.Kfz.234/4 from Battle pass.Maybe give it a new camo to keep the exclusivity of the old version.

If you want to sell and make money then give us what we will pay for.


Gaijin should just do what Chivalry II did, when a battlepass is introduced just leave it in the game for good, and you can grind it out whenever. That way people don’t miss out on content; but Gaijin can still make money from people buying the premium battlepass versions.


I wonder if the vehicle in the chest is valid for the BP challenge “earn 20000 mission points with a battle pass vehicle of the current season”? Otherwise one of the other two vehicles must be used instead of beeing able to sell them…

Yes, you can use them:

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thx - didn’t look at the details…

The only question I have is about the vehicles which dropped from this Battle Pass’s crate at lvl 38. I didn’t had the TK-106 so I get it. Premium but no mention of being an Event Vehicle. It’s a bug or it isn’t really an E.V.? Because E.V dropped from suitcasses have the mention E.V. on the card.

Unfortunately, this is alternative logic that no reasonable person can fully explain.

Some time ago the devs said that only vehicles from “big events” will be marked as event vehicles. So it’s basically up to Gaijin which vehicles they will count as event vehicles and which they won’t. And if you don’t already know, they like to make players’ lives as difficult as possible.

The TKA-106 is an event vehicle, but it wasn’t difficult to obtain. Therefore, the devs decided the event wasn’t “big enough”, so this vehicle is not marked as an event vehicle in the game. At the same time, you can buy “event vehicles” in the Battle Pass, and it requires no effort at all. But there is money involved, so the Battle Pass is clearly “big enough”.

If it was up to me, I would mark all event vehicles as event vehicles (that would actually make sense), but it’s not up to me.

I have no problem obtaing BP vehicles. I paid only the first BP and after, I’ve bought the next one with the coupons from lvl 75 and 125. But I have/had problems with the others events, especially boats. (very rarely play boats) Also depending of the time of year and effort involved I choose not the take part in some events. I always make a priority of my private life vs a game. So this new option to get a more or less unique vehicle was a kind of ok-ish for me. But I should know better that the Snail always will find a way to frustate the players. Thank you for the answer

The US Mark 13 magnetic mine (known in-game as the Type A Mark I) was actually designed to be used as both an air-laid sea mine and as a regular bomb. That aspect is 100% correctly modeled in-game (when it doesn’t phase through the ground that is). The PBM-5A also has more powerful engines, better defensive armaments, and a better overall payload. Compared to the PBM-3, it’s 100% fine at Rank III and 3.7.

I think @Segment might be referring to the mismatched sensors on the top and not the visor itself. The one on the far left is an oval, while the rest are different sizes and facing in different directions. I mean, look again at the image they linked.


The things I’d do for those ground vehicles. It’s a shame we can’t get the skins as well.

Just did the ATGM part of the Challenge, already had the 10 bomb Kills. Ofc stupid me fumbled around with ATGM Ground Vehicles first for way too long. But then I used the M1 KVT which is quite awesome actually, maybe I will buy the Clickbait somewhen. Then I used my beloved Intruder with the new Skippers. Consider me pleased.

@Stona_WT how about removing the roundel restrictions. No need for them anymore in the current state of the game ;)
Plus we just want to fight with our own countries roundels man

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