Meet Major Update “Seek & Destroy”!

Not ARH like AMRAAM, R-77, MICA, etc etc

Any fixes regarding fps drops after recent update? What could be the problem?

Uh, the XM800T is missing its LRF

Someon Figured out the Reason its overwolf. when overwolf is Closed The Game Works Normaly

There really should be a way to hide the visual weapon selector, where it sits it’s not too good, hides targets and bomb reticle.

Edit : never mind, got it… the problem was, Gaijin somehow managed to use Qwerty keyboard letters for my Azerty keyboard key bindings, to use visual weapon selector it says Ctrl+A, but on my keyboard it’s Ctrl+Q, toggle it off it says /, for me it’s §…

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seeing with the KWS, Tornado F.3 Late, Shar FA.2 and so on, all these poor planes are unplayable currently, we really need to expand stock missiles to radar variants, not just IR, like 2 superTEMP 2 9L stock on the F.3 Late, or just 2 AMRAAM,

Once again, I am confused about Gaijin’s game balance. Could you please tell me how you define the balance and historicity of game vehicles? The Q5L report indicates that it has at least 64 counter measures, but gaijin only issued 18. Considering 9.3br, I believe that gaijin was set up for game balance. Therefore, the J11A has the worst radar and active missiles at 13.0br, and even only one miss data link channel (you even reminded all players thoughtfully). Why not slightly ignore history and balance vehicle performance? If Gaijin can treat all vehicles equally, then I have nothing to say, but is this a bit excessive? If this double standard only applies to Chinese technology trees, please explain it instead of always not responding to the demands of Chinese players.@ Smin1080p

Mig 29 SMT and su27 FMs have been wrong for months, and now the new one is one of the weakest planes of the patch, having gimped engines, 2 of it’s 4 guidance channels, some of the weakest FOX 3s and the same FM to boot.

Balance isn’t seemingly a priority.

Fokker G.I armament should be 2 23mm Madsen Cannon and 2 7.9mm machinegun that eventually was increased to 8. So ya missing something crucial.

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I suggest you don’t explain their difficulties to GAIJIN. Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do? Moreover, gaijin freely“Balanced” the number of Q5L countermeasures, even though the report stated that the number was 64 rounds, which means it wasn’t a matter of priority, just whether Gaijin wanted to do it or not

I just find the amount of resources needed to maintain historical accuracy for a bug report to be acknowledged ironic, given at every turn, things are artificially gimped in an ahistoric manner, like the Q5L flare count.

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And when they do get acknowledged. If can take months or even years to be fixed.

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Ehh we kinda did get a modern vessel the Project 11451 hydrofoil being a vessel from 1980/1990’s (laid down in the early 80’s launched in 1990), It’s also the first vessel with a AK-630M system.

Ahh well, We’ll eventually get a 2001 corvette from the same decal as the MiG-29 was on a Project 20380 but when that comes nobody knows.

The whole community wants RB EC ?

That’s a stretch and a really far one too.

RB EC won’t change shit and after it’s here people will realize it and cry about the next hipster thing

One of the issues with this feature is that there is no option to enable or disable depending on the type of battle. Previously, only ground and naval vehicles had such bars. Now there are many aircraft and helicopters with keybinds at the bottom of the screen. Personally, I have never used the function for air battles, and turned it off as it was only clutter.

However, the bar needs to be toggled each match, which is annoying and is better served by options to enable/disable it per mode.


Why does the steam log in still doesn’t work, it has been a whole day after the update, and it still takes me half an hour to log on. Gaijing please fix it.

allow the ship’s cannons to be controlled by the AI ​​again

Nope, wont happen bc botting

This update was in general pretty fun, now gaijin will spend the next 3-4 weeks patching bugs that their spaghetti code couldn’t handle. I swear we get wierder and worse, and more bugs with the more features they implement!!

This game cant handle Itself

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SU39’s camera and mercury pods cannot lock on targets now, anybody knows why?

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