Meet Major Update “Seek & Destroy”!

it kicks my out 1 minute in the match, like exactly one minute, never had this before the update

Hey guys, I’ve just noticed that you can no longer win RP by playing assault air arcade mode since the uptdate !
Any explications ???


Idk, I can’t even log in since steam is no longer supported.

where are all the lacking AA for several nations to battle the constant CAS?

I use CAS myself, i just want the game to be fair and balanced, which Gaijin clearly don’t

Im disappointed by the fact that no other Tornado got access to the Hinderburg tanks. Not even the 11.3 F3 got them. They really dropped the ball this update I think

Its an interesting mechanic and all, but more HUD Clutter. Please can we get a better UI configurator. The ability turn this symbol off. I really, really dont want or need this at the bottom of every screen. Especially in sim

Screenshot 2024-06-19 145344

It would have also been nice if some thought had been given to those who use a HOTAS. going only by the description though. So might be a way to do it


It’s mostly an alternative to typical weapon swapping afaik

Yeah, but really no need for the symbol at the bottom of the screen. I like the idea, doubt I will use it much, but its nice to have. But the UI is already too cluttered


Yeah gj should add way to disable icon


It would be really nice to be able to resize and move the various modules around to where we wanted them . . . so much stuff is “clutter” or just in the wrong place and distracting a good deal of the time


Yeah… one of my greatest pet peaves is games with poor UI config. Its 2024. No game should have a poor UI configuration. I spend my life modding games to get a UI that I want (usually as little as possible)

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Anyone have any idea why steam is no longer supported for WT? There is no option for a Steam log in currently.

So u cant review bomb anymore

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Wait, you don’t have that “toggle” button… How come?


Is that platform specific (here PC…)


Im on PC but its gone for me

edit: yep, key-bind set. Cant toggle it anymore. At least in RB

I just don’t get how someone could spend $75 on a premium vehicle (money isn’t an issue, value is). Only when these are half off are the a reasonable price I’d pay. Hope prices come down in the future!

Other than that, love the new vehicles!

Can anyone please explain this to me like I’m stupid… Because I for the love of me can’t understand why add a ship with guided SAMs at a BR where it might not even see late WWII aircraft?

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My Game Freeze after moving my mouse. i am not alone some people have this issu too

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