Me 410 A-2 (21 cm Drehling)

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I would like to suggest this Me 410 A-2 equipped with the BR 21 Drehling, an internal drum rocket launcher holding 6x 21 cm rockets (like already found in game under the wings).

The Me 410 Series was an improved version (as well as rebuild Me 210s) of the Me 210 intended as a improved replacement for the Bf 110, in the end it didn’t fully replace the Bf 110, however was still a worthy next generation.

Intended for a multitude rolls from Ground striking, long range protection and air defence.
For that roles it had a multitude of different armaments (MG 17, MG 131, MG 151, MG 151/20, MK 103, BK 5) as well as the internal bomb bay that could fit 250 kg bombs, or 2x 500 kg bombs, or (with partly open doors) a 1000 kg bomb.
For a different use the above mentioned armament of MG 17-MG 151/20 could be further improved by additional armament such as MG 151(/20) and MK 103 or a BK 5 placed into the bomb bay. Additionally further Gun Pods could be fixed under the central fuselage, meaning the most guns possible, are 2x MG 131 and 8x MG 151(/20) could be fixed centrally on 1 plane (if needed).

This specific test bed for the BR 21 Drehling, was to increase the amount of carried 21 cm Rockets from 4x to 6x (or also keep the 4x on the wings for a total of 10x). Without further adding drag to the wings, by storing them in an internal 6x rocket drum with one opening at the bottom to fire the rockets out one after the other, to overall improve the bomber hunting capability.

Tests were more or less satisfactory, however full production never started. Sadly otherwise further info is lost.

Pictures:(Click to show)



Otherwise it retains the other characteristics of the Standard Me 410 A-2

Me 410 A-2
6 - 10x 21 cm Wrfgr.
2x 7,92 mm Mg 17 (1000 rpg)
2x 20 mm Mg 151/20 (350rpg)
2x 13 mm Mg 131 (Defensive)

Max Speed (km/h at 6,700 m) 624 km/h

Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X

Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
750 350 457 428 280 ~12 ~4

Optimal velocities (km/h)
Ailerons Rudder Elevators Radiator
< 390 < 410 < 460 > 311

Compressor (RB/SB)
Setting 1
Optimal altitude 100% Engine power WEP Engine power
5,300 m 1,510 hp 1,665 hp

Private Gallery
Manual of the Me 410 A-2
War Thunder Wiki


Revolving rocket launcher? Gimme 😂

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This is super cool! +1

Me 410 A-2 (21 cm Shotgun)

yes please

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Cursed. Event vehicle?


TBH, this should be on the Me 410 B, not the A since the excerpt above states that several Me 410 B received it for operational testing. Furthermore, a book claims that this is an Me 410 B W.Nr. 420416, not a 410 A:


Different book claims Me 410 B W.Nr. 425416:

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