Me 410 A-1/U4 Flak 43

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I would like to suggest the Me 410 A-1/U4 fitted with an 3,7 cm Flak 43 L/57 instead of the 5 cm Bk 5, but thats not all of it!

Similar to the Me 210/410 A-1c with the 40mm Bofors L/60 this series of 2 or more Me 410 A-1s which were send to the (Z).EKdo 25 (Zerstörer Erprobungskomando 25 → Destroyer Testing commando 25) where armed with the 3,7 cm Flak 43 L/57 with 11x 8 round Rahmen. Overall the 2 belonged to a batch to test the usefullness of arming the Me 410 A-1 with the 3,7 cm Flak 18/37 (or Bk 37) which is allready found in game on the Ju 87 G-1/2, Hs 129 B-2 and Me 110 G-2, the mentioned and by me suggested 3,7 cm Flak 43 L/57 (or Bk 43) and the 5 cm Flak 41 L/67 (of which i was unable to find more, wether or not it was even mounted because i read somewhere else that it was just too huge and heavy to be mounted even remotly effective). Furthermore they were fittet with the ZFR 4a (similar to the one found on the Hs 129 B-3 allready in game).

By April 1944 several Me 410 had been fitted with the Flak 43 and 2 were send to the II./ZG 26 for more operational Testing.

The Flightperformance will be pritty much identical to the allready in game Me 410 A-1/U4 with the main differences that it will have the 3,7 cm Flak 43 L/57 with 88 rounds, a dual reflex and telescopic scope and be lighter than the in game one, by at keast 306 kg (274kg for the Flak 18 compared to the 580kg of the Bk 5 and the Flak 43 is much lighter than the Flak 18)

Pictures:(Click to show)

(A bit hard to see, because it has a canvas muzzle cover, but you can identify it about the ZFR 4a)

Me 410 -

Characteristics to the 3,7 cm Flak 41 L/57

Caliber: 37mm

Ammo: 37x263mm

Fire Rate: 250 rpm

Loading Tray 8 round Rahmen (Frame) 88 rounds stored

Muzzle velocity: 783-1170m/s

Weight: <274 kg(Flak 18)

Ammo Types: Aphe, APCR, Fi-T (Pictures about the ammo can be seen in my German WW2 SPAAG Flaks 15-50mm Post which is also in my Signature)


Pzgr. 18 L`Spur. (Aphe) 0,685 kg 770/820m/s 13g Pent (22,1g) 49-54mm/10m

M-Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Aphe) 0,710-0,720 kg 783M/s 90g HTA (108g) 43mm/10m (0,715kg)

H-Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Apcr) 0,410 kg 1150-1170m/s 231g core(16,1mm) 110-113mm/10m

Bottom Fuze active after 7mm (Note all Ap rounds starting from 37mm use the Bd.Z. d. 3,7 cm Pzgr.)


Sprgr. 18 L`Spur. (umg.) (Fi-T) 0,62 kg 820/845m/s 29g Pent (49,3g) 7mm/10m

Brsprgr. o.L’Spur (HEI) 0,620 kg 820/845 m/s 0,090 kg H.5 und Zink 7mm/10m

M-Gr. 18 L`Spur. (Fi-T) 0,55kg 914m/s 90g HTA (108g) 7mm/10m

I suggest new belts to replace the outdated ones of the Bk 37:
Default: 4x Pzgr. 18 L’Spur
Armored Targets: 4x H-Pzgr. L’Spur
Ground Targets: 2x M-Pzgr. L’Spur 2x Sprgr. 18 L’Spur. (or 2x M.Gr. 18 L’Spur)
Airtargets: 4x M-Gr. 18 L’Spur
Tracerless: 4x Brsprgr. o. L’Spur.

Characteristics of the plane can be found here, to save space:

Why i would love to see it in game:

This (and the Me 410/210 A-1c would give more options and different at that to choose from for fighting enemy planes with big fun cannons or going tank hunting in GroundRB with a wide range of ammo for every need. It could also be placed at 3.0 or lower giving you a nice fire rate of 250 rpm, a similar playstile plane can allready be found in the Italian tree (the F.C. 20 Bis) with the 3,7 cm Breda which can fire an 0,7 kg Aphe with 800m/s and 22g explosive (very similar to the Pzgr 18). But better against planes, light targets (if they would finally give them their Pzgr. 18) but worse against heavy and some medium targets, as for thicker armor the use of the H-Pzgr is required which sacrefices damage for penetration.


Handbuch der Flugzeugbordwaffenmunition 1936-1945

Captured ammunition Bulletin

German light anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns The War Office Dec 1942

German Antiaircraft Artillery, military intelligence service special series 10 Feb. 1943

The Messerschmitt 210/410 Story Jan Forsgren 2019

The Luftwaffe Fighter Force: The View from the Cockpit Adolf Gallad, David C Isby 2016

Me 210/410 Zersörer Units Rovert Forsyth 2019

Waffen Revenu 13 mm Tank Gewehr to 52 cm Haubize.




Would be nice to have.

Close up picture of the Bk 43 mounted Me 410


Another Picture of it.

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