McDonnell F-101C Voodoo - Refining the Forgotten Fighter of the Century Series

Wasted money time and manpower on Gajin’s already lazy devs, when they COULD be adding a vehicle that would actually be good and be played.

Not to mention extra tech tree grinding and money spent for a vehicle that’s not even particularly good or unique.

Saying it isn’t unique is a lie.


They don’t make the models, they buy them.

And unlike most recent additions, there are no new systems to model for a Voodoo.

I fail to see how the Voodoo doesn’t meet this criteria. It’s certainly better than the F-100 or F-4C it should have been added around.

This is not a reason to avoid adding a vehicle. It’s the fucking US air tree, no shit it’s going to have lots of aircraft.

Tell me how this is less unique than a minor modification to another export F-5. And as stated, it’s certainly a better aircraft for Air battles than most options in the tree around it’s BR.

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Still wasted money and effort.

The F-100D is an actually fun and unique vehicle. The F-101 wouldn’t add anything new or unique.

If it’s not an actually worthwhile addition, and there’s other additions that actually WOULD be worthwhile, then it shouldn’t be added.

It’s an event v.s premium. They both serve different functions ingame. Besides, the F-5 is actually a cool and worthwhile vehicle.

By your own logic, it adds nothing new. And it most definitely is not unique.

There’s no plane like the F-5E. MAYBE you could compare the F-8U-2 to it, but even then F-8U-2 focuses more on missiles and the F-5E more on gunfighting.

The F-101 adds literally nothing. There’s plenty of gunfighters to take its place. Besides, there’s actually unique additions that Gajin could work on instead of the F-101.

Besides, the F-5E being ingame has nothing to do with the F-101

Minor issue, the CF-101s were F-101Bs, no gun just missiles.

Anyway, despite my feelings(how it came to be) about the CF-101, I’ve always liked the look of the F-101, so +1 to the Voodoo family.

This kind of argument is nonsense and off-topic.

The F-101 is a unique aircraft, like others, and that’s the entire point of this suggestion—full stop. That said, the F-101A/C could still be added as a nuclear-capable aircraft in Ground RB, which at least adds some value. If you still think the F-101C and F-101B aren’t unique and add nothing, then there’s no point in continuing this discussion. Peace out. ✌️


I was more referring to the Voodoo as a whole, not just the 101C with my comments.

That’s fair, I mean the Voodoos are absolutely unique and would bring something that doesn’t have any variant in the game right now.

I just felt the need to point out that “early supersonic gunfighter” is a bit misleading for the Canadian one, as pointed out, it kinda lacks the guns to be one.

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On the contrary it actually makes perfect sense and is on topic.

If a vehicle is a waste of money, time, and manpower to add, then don’t add it.

I don’t even understand how you’re contesting this.

Lol, no. It’s just a nuke carrier. There’s half a dozen other aircraft that do exactly what the F-101 does, and better, that are already in the game/could be added.

Of those that could be added, they would have more uses than just nuke carrier.

Wow, it seems I missed quite a bit of discussion. Hmm, honestly, I really don’t see the logic that adding the F-101 in any variant is a waste of time. On the contrary, I would argue that it’s a perfect bit of filler. As for these other more capable aircraft, what is the harm of adding them as well? More content is always a good thing, especially in the TT. Also, on a more minor note, it would really be a shame not to have the entirety of the Century Series in the game (F-102 and F-106 when). Just my two cents, though


F5A is dog water all these copy and pastes ruin uniquness its like saying adding a sherman to every tree means its unique which its is not the only unique F5 is the american A model rest are just copys F101 will be a very interesting addition a higher performance f100 with Aim4 missiles would be peak +1

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So your argument is that because 1 person out of 100 does not want it it should not come to the game?

but nuke rocket???

even without it its still a cool jet and deserve to be ingame

Idk what you’ve been smoking but I want some.

What I was saying is that F-101 would be a massive waste of time and money for Gajin to add.

Fr, I got to wonder what bro thinks determines if a vehicle should be in game. Like only if it’s the most meta top tier?

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Buddy… do you think this suggestion is for GRB? This is a suggestion for the F-101C Voodoo for a normal TT vehicle. It is a fast, agile, well armed, all-gun fighter-bomber comparable to the MiG-19S. It would have the highest overall flight performance of a US 9.3, serving as the tree’s main dogfighter at the BR. It’s anything but “just a nuke carrier”


There’s multiple in craft both ingame, and not ingame that fill the F-101’s spot whilst adding more to the game.

Such as…