McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle — History, Technology and Weapons

In flight manual only Mk82 and Mk84 are listed

What about software compatability?

It could have been tested without proper compatibility, similar to the first integration and testing of LANTIRN.

Just my thoughts.

Doing research on that as we speak, will update if necessary!

APG-82 first flew 2011


a lot of software standardized no? at worst it would require a quick update. they use developments from export to upgrade USAF stuff, and vice versa, so i wouldnt be surprised if they threw it in with a strike eagle software update

Thanks, found a bunch of different pages saying different years.

Regarding suites its extremely sparse and hard to find specific info.

Fixing now.

Going to do more specific research regarding specific intro of APG-82. I had not stated it was fully implemented at the time and circa 2003 is a vague statement ofcourse.

Will update soon, just gonna read a bit more about it.


page 7 gives some backgroud on AN/APG-82 program

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RMP began late 2009, updating right now and adding a section for it after Suite 4.


How do you guys like the formatting of the Suite overview? Is it readable and good as is or?

well flight testing only started 2011, and the program itself started in 2007, 2009 is just the year it got desigated APG-82

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Even better! The more specific the merrier huh Lol

You should remove apg-82 from 2003 block

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Done done done. Working on RMP section now and trying to tie it in smoothly with suite 5.

its good formattig, but some info inaccurate, basic F-15E reached IOC in 1989, and the ALQ-135 (TEWS) was around on the basic F-15E, in 90’s. it also provides info for BOL on F-15’s. upgraded version in 2000. for late suite 1 and all of suite 2 it would be using the improved AN/ALQ-135C with band 3 and 1.5 jammers,had%20delivered%20approximately%20350%20sets.

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Gotcha, thank you for the feedback. Appreciate you taking the time to help fix it. Updating and fixing as much as I can now.

Also need to do research on JHMCS.

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oh yeah for the RMP thing, can you change “Introduced” to “Program started” to avoid confusion?

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Absolutely brother