McDonnell Douglas CF-188 (CF-18) Hornet IMP I: Canadian Fury

I mean that’s a lie



Yeah their was talks as using F/A18s as a stop gap until the F35B

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This seems to be going off topic and I don’t want the suggestion getting taken down, so could you please either end the argument here, or take it somewhere else please

@EL337GH0ST @Mytho61734

i will stop don’t worry

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Fun fact some of the later CF18 were originally RAAF F/A18s that were sold to Canada


For those who are arguing for the US tree. You are arguing to screw over the Canadians. By further separating our stuff.

Also, the F-18 won’t be unique to the US tree. It will also go to Sweeden through the Finish sub-tree.

As I said before: “If you didn’t want your stuff in other tech-tree you should have sold them to so many nations.”


And if you want to have a unique nation play france

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No brainer addition in the same update as the F/A-18A.

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lxtav, I thought you were going to change this to a suggestion for a specific upgrade? (as that convo was so time ago)

Currently, all the upgrades are mixed up and you have everything listed from when they first entered service(including radars and whatnot) to now. Which makes it hard to suggest specific upgrades, despite how extreme some of them are, which are enough to make them new additions by themselves.

Ah yes, i was, however had some personal stuff and well… forgot

Ill work on changing it in the next few days, ill DM you


If the UK TT doesn’t get an Aussie Hornet, I would be 100% okay with this one as well, so big +1 from me!

Bonus for a really good GE/researchable skin:



Why that skin? Out of all of them?

Personally, I hope it’s the Battle of Britain or D-day one that is added. Either way, the CF-188s have worn so many liveries there should be a ton on WTlive.

I mean, all three could potentially be added. But for why this one: I have been and always will be a major sucker for any kind of tiger stripe camouflage scheme.

Update as of 07/11/2024

as of now I have rewritten my suggestion to focus on the IMP I upgrade specifically, this is due to me coming to realise just how different each upgrade was and that one suggestion could not cover them all, so at the request of the canadians have changed it considerably.

I have also drastically overhauled the suggestion due to it being my second oldest suggestion ever, and thus it needed some serious work to bring it up to standard with my more modern suggestions. Also just to be clear, the IMP I upgrade is the variation of the Hornet that most people would have expected to come to game first, being roughly equivalent to the F/A-18C just over the horizon



F/A-18A+ (USMC) equivalent, maybe

Ixtav, good job. We can now suggest the other CF-188 upgrades which will do us a world of good in the long run.

As for your question, I don’t see anything missing/incorrect myself.

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The big issue with a Canadian TT is that there are not enough vehicles for low ranks
They would have to start at rank 3-4 like Israel

Uhhh- No. Both the Ground Tree suggestion Thatz made here and the Air Tree I (and a few others) have been working on, says otherwise. Heck to the point that Rank I/Reserve would have a number of domestic vehicles. Heck, one of Canada’s domestic vehicles is Rank II with the variant that is in game.


oh lol nvm

+1 Would be a great addition to the British Tech Tree when the CF-18 is added.