This is an unknown APFSDS round used by MBT-2000. It apparently pens 680mm RHA. Anyone know which APFSDS round could this be?
Naiza didn’t see mass production as far as I’m aware and Pakistan didn’t export it.
Do you have the original video?
Around september/august Bangladesh bought ammunition from pakistan
so maybe they were sold some Naiza ammunition as well?
I was hoping to get more info when looking at the vid but its basically just 1 frame lmao
This is the actual Naiza APFSDS and the POF link in the bug report is meant for a Tungsten made APFSDS.
Sources for those reports aren’t reliable.
True, but the APFSDS in the picture looks awfully similar to the one on the official pakistani website
Yes except for the top of the sabot.

Whatever its name is (I’m not sure if “Naiza” is correct), I do think these are the same rounds.
Considering that some sources — although maybe not fully reliable — suggest that Bangladesh has purchased ammunition from Pakistan, it wouldn’t be that unlikely.
if there is a chance that this shell will be put into play your better that it be on the VT4 (if the VT4 really uses it??) than the MBT 2000, especially for a question of adjustment of Br
Wtv becomes of this, pakistan Armytanks should utilise the sejjel APFSDS from now as this one is more mads produced and is also better than the naiza
Only the T-80 should get it for now. It will mess up Al khalid’s BR but later variants of al khalid should obviously receive it.
If XxBLAZEFIRExX is correct then I dont think this round is going to be that useful. It penetrates less armor than the DTC-125.