Mbombe-8 (30)

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During June 2016 the South African based company Paramount Group unveiled the Mbombe 8 multirole IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) for the first time. The Mbombe 8 was created due to an increasing demand for multirole mine resistant vehicles suitable for the modern-day battlefield. The Mbombe 8 IFV is based on the Mbombe 6 AFV from Paramount, it features better protection for the crew, larger weapons mounts and increased off road mobility. The Mbombe 8 IFV can be fitted with a dual-feed 30mm remote turret or the AU-220M turret which features a 57mm cannon. For this forum post we will be focusing on the Mbombe 8 equipped with the dual feed 30mm remote turret. The Mbombe 8 can be used in a support role, by using its mobility to get into strategic positions overlooking the map or capture zones. Once a target has been engaged the Mbombe 8 can then use its mobility to relocate before engaging another target. The Mbombe 8 can engage both land and air targets and can be implemented in the South African sub tree or alternatively as a squadron, premium or event vehicle.



Main Armament: one dual-feed 30mm 2A42

Secondary: one 7.62mm MG

Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, radio operator)

Combat weight: 24t

Engine: Turbo Diesel

Horsepower: 450hp

Gearbox: Automatic

Top Speed: 110 km/h

Thermal/Night sight: Yes

Laser range finder: yes

Smoke grenades: three on each side



Primary sources

Paramount Group, Mbombe 8 brochure: https://www.paramountgroup.com/media/1348/paramount-mbombe-8-no-turret.pdf

Army Technology “Mbombe 8 Infantry Combat Vehicle”: https://www.army-technology.com/projects/mbombe-8-infantry-combat-vehicle/

Secondary sources

DefenseWeb: https://www.defenceweb.co.za/land/land-land/paramount-unveils-new-mbombe-8x8-infantry-combat-vehicle/


As they say, never enough IFV!

+1 Very nice