Maximum Smoothness: War Thunder on the PS5 Pro up to 120Hz in 4K!

What’s funnier is that even not all displays support both at the same time, as we found out during our internal testing. But you can’t tell that from marketing message of course)


Yeah a lot of people don’t realise there is HDMI port bandwidth restrictions on TV/Monitors. A lot of older displays that supports 4k and 120hz only have bandwidth to do one or the other. Need a display with HDMI 2.1 and above iirc to actually support 4k at 120hz


@gromvoiny sorry to bother you again. Would it be possible to get toggles in game to switch between settings like other console games do?

Say the modes are as listed:
HFR ‘4k’ 120hz (High Frame Rate Dynamic res)
FR HQ 4k 60hz (Frame Rate High Quality Native 4k)
And a toggle for PSSR would be nice

Modes for potential ray tracing additions if it does come to the console version.
HFR RT 1080p with PSSR to upscale the image to a pseudo 4K output.

Just would be a nice quality of life feature for us to have in the game. Is it something the team is planning on doing?

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At launch, RT effects are supported on Nvidia graphics cards. Making it work on both AMD and Intel cards is a priority for us. It’s working with our internal builds, but not ready for release, we need to iron out some issues specific to these GPUs. It will be ready soon, along with the current generation consoles.

We already have 2 different modes in Enlisted, so maybe it will come to WT as well. But when exactly is hard to tell right now.

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I just know if I buy PS5 pro this wont wortk or it will be “we still trying to do it” or it will not be 4k 120fps…

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Ot can/has the 4K with 120 FPS allready, they just noticed that some Monitor cant support it aka you need HDMI 2.1 and your Monitor has to support the 4K but also the 120 FPS

Don’t buy the PS5 Pro, you only get a 45% performance boost, lose the disc drive (so you do not actually own the games you bought, only the usage right) and the vertical stand is also not included.

To late, allready play on the Pro, its realy cool you can feel the more power of the Console

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To each their own, fair enough.

It’s not just a 45% performance boost there is a lot more to it than that which equates to a larger overall improvement.

I’m fully aware of the video. Again you completely miss the point of what I’m saying but you clearly don’t understand.

To each their own, but from what I gathered from comments is that the PS4 Pro over the PS4 back then was a greater and more powerful Upgrade compared to the PS5 Pro to the PS5 now. And the lack of a disc drive really Kills it for me.

It was greater leap in a traditional sense. But pro brings better hardware accelerated ray tracing and ai upscaling along with traditional style improvements base to pro brings. It’s much more than just “45%”

Fair enough, although the AI upscaling isn’t as good as Nvidia, so you do not even get the best Upscaling aviable. And I read in comments that a better GPU could have been used also. But I am no expert.

What the point to be a hater and come here? You don’t like it don’t take care of it bro…

@Gaijin will the ray tracing be improved much more in the future? I can already see graphic upgrade from my PS5 to PS5 Pro but the update isn’t out yet right?

Anyway, Crossout look so much better even if it isn’t “PS5 Pro enhanced” thx to PSSR I think, it is huge step than before 🤩

My lil bro sometimes play’s war thunder on his PS5 Portable.

Cool drop the update at this point we aint getting a December update

i find that hard to believe.