Max settings, ugly result

Since winter comes, i use to max my grapic settings, but this time i touched many things and despite i have x16 and lot of things at high or max settings, my gameplay became uglier

Past screenshots:

11 year old game. Though even then, there were already games like TF2 which have far better graphics, and TF2 was made 17 years ago, on an engine that’s even older.

Not relevant to topic.

So compare with what? If the guy says the game is ugly now, is he supposed to compare it with the same game 4 years ago?

??? Read his post he literally says it

Turn off the DLSS shit, i have it turned off and everything is sharper.


Yeah turn of DLSS, its blurs your image.


as others wrote:
DLSS makes image quality worse, so if you don’t need it, don’t use it.

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The game is poorly optimised and uses an obscene amount of GPU VRAM

How this is even connected to OPs issues?

Please stay on topic.

I remember graphics being sharper a few years ago (btw same for vehicles) so my guess would be intentional visibility nerf.