That’d be funny, seeing if the deal actually holds up is another question.
neither did the russian F5E
I can understand his feeling, but his claim also sounds a bit disappointing because
We already gave Spitfire, Firefly or some Crusaders to the other TT before
And we exported harriers to the US too.
But we didn’t lose our Uniqueness at all.
(Of course these can be annoying for some of us. right?)
the F5 is at least a cool plane that wasn’t a pile of scrap like soviet vehicles are
we also sent centurions to every continent and its not taken away from our uniqueness as we are still the home nation for those vehicles. the spam of commieslop from the indian subtree does hurt uniqueness tho
yep a cool American plane
Still irrelevant. We’re talking about the foreign vehicles that served in the Red Army with actual combat records, which makes this suggestion more valid than others. The debate about the Soviet F-5E should stay in its own topic since it required different opinion there, not here.
Looks good! Though I have one quibble. The Matilda doesn’t have a hull MG, and the coaxial is a 7.92mm BESA, not an M1919. Other than that, great post, and since we already have the Russian Valentine and 76mm Matilda, why not the original? +1
I’d love more lend-lease in the game, exptly to the two nations who seem to have the least of them despite being major recipients of it.
My first no vote.
My reasoning is that the Matilda is a painful vehicle to grind out due to the poor mobility and stock 2-pdr cannon accuracy and ammo effectiveness, so giving the USSR tree an identical one isn’t fun. It’s also a missed opportunity.
If you’re going to give the USSR tree a British tank because it got them via Lend-Lease, then you should do something interesting and unique with it - give them a version of the Valentine which was experimentally re-armed with the domestic 45mm cannon, so it at least has a good gun. Not sure if they did the same thing with the Matilda, but if so, then I’d vote for that.
Well, the Soviets have Matilda in this game.
[MK-II “Matilda”]
The one which has 76mm F-96 for gun instead.
which was released at 2017 as some kind of event reward premium.
It is unobtainable unless
- you pay to someone who has tickets in Gaijin market
- or spend a fortune amount of SL on [blah-ba blah box] and wish you win one.
So… Matila lovers from east wants regular version instead
The matilda is a pretty good infantry tank tho. two shots and most things are dead and most people cant pen you