Mark 15 Torpedo Discussion

American destroyer launched torpedoes suffer from having some of the weakest warheads in game. The Mark 15 in game is the Mod. 0 version, which has a weak warhead of only 224 kg of TNT. However, the later modifications of the Mark 15 would receive much more powerful warheads of either 363 kg of TNT or 373 kg of HBX, which is a version of Torpex designed to be less sensitive to increase safety. The improved TNT warhead would already provide more than a 50% increase in power, while the HBX warhead would have a TNT equivalent of around 585-597 kg, given that Torpex is around 1.6x as powerful as TNT and that HBX is between 98 and 100% as powerful as Torpex.
However, this increase in power would come at the cost of a decrease of range from 5,500 meters to 4,100 meters in the fast mode, and a decrease from 13,700 meters to 12,800 meters in slow mode. But I personally would argue that the increase in explosive mass would more than make up for the decrease in range, especially for the HBX version. So, I would like to see either the replacement of the Mod. 0 with the Mod. 3 on mid-late war ships in a 1943 configuration or later, or at least the option to switch out the torpedoes. Let me know what you guys think of this idea as a way to improve the effectiveness of American torpedoes.

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+1, I’d take that tradeoff to be honest.
The mod 0 mark 15 is also such a weird one to have in the game as it was abysmally bad IRL.
I’d rather have something that at least sounds like it had some reliability when used haha.
( Damn you, department of ordnance!)

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Heck yeah - US DD’s definitely an extra 3.8km torpedo range AND 1350+kg TNT in the warheads to compliment the 5" machine-guns… be still my beating heart!