Marathon Points for planes with talismans

Hi all. I have a question that is bothering me. On the eve of the new flight marathon, the question arose - what is the best way to farm. My choice fell on the B-57b, I easily take out 2 bases and make a couple of kills in the ARB, but this plane is not premium, so the most I can get is 202% boost exp. Actually, the question is - if I take a talisman for it, will all the points that go towards the marathon be doubled, according to the plane card? Or does only pure experience count towards the points for the marathon and is it not connected with the bonus coefficients of the different game modes?

The points it goes off of is mission points the one with the starts. Premiums and talismans have no effect on this. Those only effect RP.


Towards the event, only mission score counts.

However, mission score is first multiplied by AB/RB/SB modifier which is then multiplied by rank modifier, so it is advantageous to play higher ranks and RB/SB.

That is assuming you can score consitently at higher BRs.

If not, best way to farm is to play highest rank you can score consistently.

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Hm, sounds strange, cuz in previous events I took a Harrier gr.1 and rushed to bomb the base from the start (H.E. 1000 x 5) and game tolds me during the explosion that it gives 2k points just for the explosion, and in the case of the b-57b - it gives about 800-900 points in total for both bases. Are there some kind of experience modifiers based on BR or am I missing something else?

It doesnt matter how many RP and SL you get for action, what matters is mission score (one you see only if you bring out the scoreboard with tab)

Not BR, rank.

Lets say you play game of US 5.7 with highest rank of vehicle that was used in battle being rank IV, and score 1000 points of mission score.

1000 points is then multiplied by RB modifier (which is 1.2 iirc, last even i didnwqs obj 292) so you get 1200 score.

That is then multiplied by rank modifier (which is something 0.8 or 0.9 for rank IV), you get 960 score.

As such 960 score is counter towards the event.

During the event there will be many more players trying to score points by destroying bases with attackers or bombers faster than the B-57, so I don’t think it’s the best choice, try to see what happens in the first games otherwise you have to change strategy.