MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Ignoring a primary source… Prioritizing not only a secondary source but one you said was invalid last week

tl;dr: 🤡


If you’re not going to use sources of information then why are you making a hub bub about sources for spall liners?

Just make it up like you’re doing here.


Can you believe that Gaijin used data of 9M331D, a missile started production in 2015 for Tor-M2 ,to “FIX” 9M331 of Tor.Just because they think “The new missiles do not appear to have been significantly altered”


@Gaijin I’m almost sure that after the next Devblog you will remember the May review bombing with a smile. Sets and premiums buy westerns, and they know that the buyer is always right…


Wait so Gaijin is saying that no NATO MANPAD has advanced to the point of using something more advanced than Bang-Bang??? Seriously???


For context as to why this is ridiculous, I was a part of an FRC group (so high school kids in terms of education) that had roots back to the early 2000’s were they were programming PID loops in C into computer chips the size of a credit card.

Seeing how far ahead US tech (using it as the example as it’s been historically the most well funded generally) has been in the past half century, how does Gaijin think the US military couldn’t do the same with their top engineers even if it was using 1970’s tech?


because we do not believe it signed Gaijin… Honestly we proven them wrong so many times and nothing happened it will all backfire hard also take note that the average G overload was used for the Stinger and Mistral while for the Igla and Strela the MAX overload was used


So basically “if russia can’t do it than that must mean the U.S. can’t either”


So now it’s okay to use Russian sources for Western equipment??? Wow quite the double standard there.


Ah, Gaijin. The gift that keeps giving

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At this point, people will have more success tilting at windmills then fixing Western stuff in WT…
Maybe not the best analogy but I can’t think of anything else


At this point they are straight up asking for “feedback” on the Stores.
“We believe” “We assume” “we think”

Russian bias doesn’t exist btw.


It certainly feels that way.

There’s always a convenient reason why something can’t be done, often supported by dubious logic and half truths.

Look at the stormer HVM with it’s starstreak missile. The missiles have been passing through aircraft for months, probably around 6 months now.

This leaves the brits with using an 8.3 gun based SPAA up to 11.7!

They made an attempt to fix it with Air superiority, but made it way worse which means it wasn’t tested at all. It was obvious they’d broken it even further with the absolute slightest amount of testing which means it wasn’t tested at all.

Can you seriously imagine Gaijin leaving the Russian team so cripped for 6 months? That shit would have been emergency patched in days.


Glad we got extra 3g average to the stinger. Clearly that means a bit more on the max too. I won’t complain when i see positive changes coupled with proper reasoning, that would be biased, especially when i don’t have any data to disprove it. Thank you gaijin.

lets take the M4A3E8 for example when it missed its gun mantlet for almost 2 weeks so every MG could kill it T-72 having a super small hole in the side fixed in hours


yes but Stinger and Mistral got average but the Igla got MAX its not fair


What do you mean?

Are you trying to messing with players or something to make this kind of tread?
just admit it that western tech are better than Russian and Stinger already proved how effective it is in many conflicts even recent one and where did Igla prove itself apart from Russian’s paper?


Igla has 10.2G MAX in the source the Stinger 22G the Mistral 25G the Igla got its MAX overload the other 2 the average and Gaijin used a russian source for the Stinger and Mistral saying it cant pull that much


So because Russia can’t do it, it can’t be correct. Then you are using Russian sources to adjust NATO/US tech which you said is not appropriate.

Which is it?

How is it the mighty Russian Army, with all its sources you have, are unstoppable machines of war yet you are getting decimated by US/NATO “inferior” technology?

Stop with your bias. You are disrespecting all players now right to our faces.


gaijin totally not biased towards russia