MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

M8, i can probs name 100 bug reports at this point, just from the last 1-2 years, with HEAVY primary or secondary sourcing that the devs just “dont believe” off the top of my head

At this point they have to be actively and intentionally shitting all over western tech.


Gaijin we dont use Russian Sources for NATO Weapons also Gaijin uses Russian sources for NATO Weapons you guys just lost any respect from me


It did not, i just answeared the first paragraph of your comment

Primary Sources for the Mistral and Stinger and you take a freaking source from the Igla and say those cant pull that hard so how about nerfing the Strela then to 12G to make it fair for all those missiles


Gaijin is literally going “glorious soviet engineers were only capable of achieving this, therefore stupid westoids couldn’t do any better”, completely ignoring the difference between bang bang and PID.

And as everyone has pointed out, gaijin says that it will only accept authoritative sources like manufacturer info and won’t accept Russian sources anymore for Western tech… Only to proceed to do exactly that themselves.
It really shows that gaijin will only accept information that fits what they want to believe, and no amount of information, no matter how authoritative, will change their minds if they don’t want to.
This is why the Leclerc, Challenger, Merkava, etc… will never be fixed.

What a joke of a company. They learned nothing from the review bombing which happened only 7 months ago.


cannot have that komrad, strela needs to have 20gs and optical tracking and sit 9.3 in BR below the ozelot at 9.7


and with each of those posts it just gets worse but hey the Devs “KNOW IT BETTER THAN THE COMPANY WHO BUILDS AND TESTS IT”


Welp, with all the feedback, and imminent sources drop, there will be a response from gaijin in the new year.


So even with primary sources on the matter you guys dont care and will have your own “engineers” make determinations on a weapons system strength with evidence pulled out of yourass? Nice.


This is pretty much the full state of the Russian MOD at this point I’d wager.

Western technology is truly a enigma to Russia who is permanently stuck with 1970s era technology and the random scraps of wunderwaffe they can steal from NATO.


War Thunder bug reporters:

spends hours of their free time searching for primary and secondary sources, talks to pilots/tankers/mechanics/engineers/generals, calls and or travels to archives and or company headquarters to find elusive declassified documents, performs photoanalysis of tech to obtain proper dimensions, writes extensively detailed bug reports and fights with the lazy mods that dont wanna do their job just to try to get their bug report acknowledged

War Thunder devs: kek, no

War Thunder bug reporter: “Why? Can I see your source?”

War thunder devs:


I would really like to meet these “experts.”


Just going to toss my hat in with those saying this is just a really bad take. I’m not surprised at this point, but yikes. Gimping Western performance because Russian/Soviet couldn’t achieve the same seems to be the highlighting take away from this post.

And to couple it with the hypocrisy of saying you don’t accept Russian sources in regard to the Abrams hull improvements, yet so clearly use such a source on this Western tech…it’s not a good look at all.


Wow! I did not know that the War Thunder developers are real life rocket scientists! Yeah it makes total sense that we should just disregard primary sources since the developers know everything guys! Actually, maybe Relikt and Contact-5 also need to be corrected since NATO ERA cannot perform as well while being thicker, therefore the Russians couldn’t have feasibly produced such ERA that can stop APFSDS rounds right? /s if that wasn’t obvious.

Dear developers, you cannot expect to fully understand modern technology and how it works since thats the very thing that makes it classified. Instead I believe that the approach to top tier should be one of balance and estimation based on given sources, not one of “Oh we dont believe this to be the case” and obviously flawed assumptions. Asking for rigorous documentation like in the Abrams armor case is baiting for a leak in classified documents, since you are literally asking for the classified specifications of the tank.


well guys i m done playing other nations now so lets play russia and rush like a brainless chicken


So this basically boils down to “We don’t believe western MANPADS are capable of 20G because the Igla isn’t capable of it and they LOOK similar.”. What other aspects of the game are being affected by this thought process of simply not believing what sources and materials say? This issue could go well beyond MANPADS.


Ever looked at the tank reports? You can find much of the going beyond MANPADS there.

oh btw the Igla should only pull 2G my Source i did Math so change it because thats what you did


It’s one thing to say “We aren’t changing this as it impacts balancing in X, Y, and Z manners” (borrowing another players argument here) and it’s an entirely different thing to hand out a “We don’t believe it does or has or performs like A because we just don’t think it does”.

You guys are making it genuinely harder and harder to continue playing and supporting the game when you do things like this. You are welcome to take a massive grain of salt with this and not believe me, but given how bad the Air Superiority update is and the whole Abrams armor fiasco, my intent to get the Su-39 or the German Mig-21 to help me finish out those trees is just gone now.

Again, you’re welcome to not believe me and see this as a ploy but to each their own then.


same for me my will to buy anything in the furture is gone as even primary sources are useless unless its for russian stuff that will give them a buff i also got a feeling that this is to make us do a certain thing

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