MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details


A high score really isn’t a good sign, considering both are above One in 22 (95%) Something is probably up.

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this is what warthunder should be like. figuring out every single weapon instead of pasting vehicles and adding unhistorical things

I didn’t read anything, I didn’t read a shit but I have a question. Does it comes to US?

It, being what?

If by it you mean the proposed changes, then yes.

As per the end of the post:

Also, it’s already been implemented years ago.


you should already know that doesn’t mean anything. M735 still hasn’t been fixed off a fake bug report.


Oh, but they fix bugs on a weekly basis, you see!

Like that bug where, uh… a co-axial machine gun had the wrong name. Or that one where a weapon had the wrong name on the X-Ray view.

So don’t be so nitpicky! Just because they don’t fix the (severely impactful) bugs that interest you, it doesn’t mean that they don’t fix a plethora of (mostly inconsequential) bugs!


they have documentation stating the stringer had 20-22g overload. instead they said nope it can’t do this, because the igla can’t do this.


I’m not arguing this point, btw. I was just responding to your question, not making a statement on what the current state of things are. :)

I don’t have enough knowledge on this topic to really say either way. I recently learned about boom-boom actuators (in relation to laser-guided bombs) and the issues with the control method, and if the Igla does indeed have this, but the Stingers don’t, then this certainly seems like something that needs to be fixed.

As far as I understand, the only reason or the main reason to even pick boom-boom actuators for the guide fins is that they’re much simpler to make and thus far cheaper than other types. It’s not because they’re in any way better performing.

But that’s all just based on my limited knowledge.


somehow gaijin devs think they know more about the missile than the people who make / use them.


It’s more that when combined with an “Open Loop” Control scheme (by definition has no feedback channel, where a “Closed loop” does) there is no advantage to using Proportional actuators over Bang-Bang type.

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Ah, well that just goes to show that I truly don’t understand it.

I’ve used a lot of different MANPADS and never saw them getting flared. You can only preflare so their missile locks on the flare, not your plane.

Type 81 is better than Strela in every regard.

Type 81 def gets flared. So I would assume the others do as well.

The strela is better in closer range because the missiles turn out of the tube and immediately start course correction and tracking as far as I know. So not every aspect, there is use cases where it’s better. Overall I would take the 81c for sure.

But, there is a pause with type81 c, and while the missiles are better than strelas that pause means you can’t always take the shot you want in close range and have to wait for a better one or It will miss because it failed to track well.

Thats because its likely not on IR lock but rather optical lock. In that instance, the only way you can defeat them in by physically putting something between you and the seeker. Like a line of trees or a hill.

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They do get flared ?
I never really experienced that in the game, as people mostly either ignore the missile while flying straight just dumping flares and dying, or trying to dodge it and still dying.

I think my kill % against planes in Type 81 is easily above 98-99%.

Yes, Strela might be better at shooting down planes 400m away, but that isn’t really a realistic scenario.

I think our difference come from very different experiences in game lol. Between this and t series discussion I think we just have very different game experiences lol.

They definitely get flared, and if some heli is stupid enough to come to the field those laser spoofers mess em up too sometimes. I agree most pilots are stupid, but if they’re half decent the definitely get flared and can disengage the missile.

As well, idiots always come over the field all the time at Mach 1 lol and as good as my headphones are I still can’t tell exactly where until they’re on top of me sometimes or passing by and it would help to be able to shoot at them at easier angles. But I’d still take the type81 in most scenarios no doubt, it’s just that the strela is better in some ways and is still sued at top tier. But I’m pretty sure missiles have lower g load so they’re easier to just kinetically dodge.

But the type 81 if they zoom by me at Mach 1 they quickly start putting distance between us while I’m waiting for turret to slew around and it’s easier and easier to defeat the missile.

I think most times it does hit and I’m probably around an 80-90% hit rate but that’s because I think most pilots aren’t prepping for IR missiles and let that go until they’re hear one coming at the last second. I think most only worry about RWR pings for radar missiles. You can tell right away when it’s a decent pilot and they’re able to flare and dodge them with not so much difficulty as long as they have a bit of space between us and I don’t even mean all that far.

I can post proof next time it happens if you don’t believe me I just have to remember.

I know I tested out the missile’s lock range on a friend’s Kamov. At around 7km of range it hit every time, no amount of flares helped. Same thing happened with Su-34 flying perpendicular to me at around the same range.

Type 81 is seriously dangerous at those distances and it will definitely smack you if you ignore it.
For ranges below 6-7km I believe Type 81 is the best AA in the game besides Pantsir and VT-1 slingers.

You have to be JustinPlays in order to get 3-4-5km away from the battlefield in your top tier CAS lol.

I only once seen someone dodging Type 81.
It was launched in front aspect from like 5km and he managed to barrel roll in the perfect moment to avoid it, but I think it was more of a lucky moment though.

I can say with absolute certainty that they get flared and dodged in rolls.

But your experience in it is very different from mine. 7km for me is a number I have never achieved a lock that I can recall. Or sometimes I get brief locks, but it won’t actually let me fire the missile. I can rear aspect a jet at that range, but I do not get helis, even if I can somehow get a payload lock, it doesn’t lock the missile.

But yet it def gets flared and dodged. Maybe I need to read up how to use it better, but 7km on a heli is an absurd range for me, I’m lucky to grab one at I think 5km.

Any heli that lifts off the pad and just stays there and attacks the field, I can say for certain I have never been able to lock them. I have to close distance across the map, hope I don’t get hit on the trip and even then it doesn’t mean I’ll achieve a lock.

After using both, I’d probably take the ADATs overall. I prefer being able to target helis and drones effectively. As well as knowing what’s coming from where and sometimes being able to hit planes at distance flying straight.

Not to mention I’m not a sitting duck if someone approaches me I can still defend myself.

Spookston has a video on it and the first 2 minutes basically mirrors my experience in it.

They definitely can get dodged by rolling, but for flares I’m not so sure.

I guess it depends on the heli you’re trying to lock and the situation you’re in.
You shouldn’t have any issues at 5km if the helicopter is not in front of some clutter like ground/foliage to disrupt optical seeker.

ADATS is definitely better for drones and helicopters than any IR slinger, but something like Type 81 is definitely better/equal for planes at medium ranges. Being able to engage multiple targets in quick succession is also a big positive.