MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Yet “we think” and “we assume” answers from the developers themselves is sufficient for you?


Stinger manufactorer states “greater than 90% hit rate”

IGLA states “80-90% hit rate”

So gaijin has been lying to us since igla was introduced then?
As ingame it still says 10.2MAX.

Every other missile ingame has always been max overload, so why would igla now suddenly be different?

that can be calculated/estimated given the differences in control time between PID and bang-bang.
PID uses more of the rotation-time per rotation to steer than the bang-bang method.
the increase in time spent steering in % should also be added to those 63% they used.
so lets say they spend 10% more time steering(complete guess), then 10% of 63 is 6,3 so then the number used for PID missiles should be 63+6.3=69.3%.


So the Igla hits 80-90% of 8g targets and the Stinger hits 90%+ of 7g targets. So they’re ± equal.

No “twice as good.”

For those three rockets as I see from the topics there was an average overload. Not just Igla

Well… We have ot take the soviet source with a pinch of salt. They always inflate numbers.

That seems like common sense if you have the actual PID data but not guess.

I’ll be in favor.

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everything still lists ‘maximum overload’

Following dev reasoning, they should also change lock ranges in rear and all-aspect to show some sort of “average”, I guess, because obviously those vary by situation…


It’s basically just a silly phrase with no evidence on the specific issue at hand.

It’s not just a single digit like a stinger here, but a graph of the target by altitude and range. It’s far more detailed than the stinger developers bothered to do

Aww are you suddenly interested in my youth? That’s cute.

No… That is not the case. IGLA isn’t classified, Stinger is. Simple. That data is not available because its classified,

Well, I thought you gave a link to the declassified data

Yep, and that is my biggest issue. To them, Average = Max. Its not. it should Average & Max, 2 different figures.


still cant use igla data for mistrals and stingers, the fins, matieral, speed of rotation are all factors that influence the missle and can lead to better performance then the igla. As those you have to realise that those missles could perform even better then anticipated by gajin devs, they themself stated russian sources cant be used for nato equipment thats the main issue here.
Those gajin has to work with that they get giving the stinger and missles their higher G performance. If new data gets discovered that states otherwise the stingers can get nerfed again.

But as it stands they need to buff stingers and mistrals. Igla data is not useable

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yays the guy that posted a document that states UK secret MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details - #706

Just because a report was declassified, doesnt mean the missile’s full specs and details are declassified. or at least, publicly available. To assume:

Is just childish. Its far more likely that there is 10x more data for the stinger that has been collected. But lack of access doesnt mean it doesnt exist


That was originally flame from one of his National archive trips.

fair enough i guess, still states higher G limits are needed

For Afghanistan, detailed statistics on most of the losses have been collected: the total losses of aviation for 10 years amounted to about 130 airplanes of various types and 330 helicopters.

At that, 30 airplanes and 55 helicopters were shot down with MANPADS of different types (not only Stingers, but also all kinds of Soviet early Strela and other Western ones, Stingers appeared in Afghanistan only in 1986) during 10 years of war.
And this is taking into account that about 4000 Stingers alone were delivered to Afghanistan (not taking into account other MANPADS).

It is not known how many launches were made, but statistically, based on these figures, the effectiveness of MANPADS even in Afghanistan, where the Stingers were indeed extremely advanced weapons, is homeopathically small - in the neighborhood of 1% ratio of the number of shootdowns to the number of missiles. That’s on tens of thousands of combat sorties over 10 years.