MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Same thing

But the Devs have applied it to stinger. That’s why everyone here is pissed off

The formula is derived from the igla parameters. This already means that it is correct.

If you disagree, explain where the error in the formula is.

Again, for the third time, the problem is not on the mathematics. The problem is that you dont have documentation that states that the igla can physically sustains 16gs.


And Igla steers differently than Stingers and Mistrals, what are you not understanding about this?

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What difference will 16g in igla and 25 in mistral ilm 10/16 make.

The ratio is the same

Mistral is both 62-64% better (rounding up)

OH! If our lord and saviour gaijin said so, then it must be true!

Without a single source to back up their claims ofcourse.

Let’s say it’s implemented and there isn’t a noticeable change. That’s fine
People want stuff to be accurate to existing data, especially where it’s available.
The reasoning ‘we believe’ when you have primary sources should never be used


The formula is derived from the primary source. Do you deny the laws of physics?

Are You saying there is no difference between the average of the igla (~10g) and the average of the stinger/mistral (~25g)?

The stinger is clearly stated in primary and secondary sources to have an average pull of 22g (not 25, as the mistral)
The igla has a maximum pull of 16g
Mind if you refrain from calling me names? I can’t say I appreciate it

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Send me a sources that shows an average of 22g.

Send me the sources that the igla can pull 16g


We have an average and a formula. However, that person is lying and saying that the maximum stinger overload is the average

Ok. Igla’s formula is correct. Yes. But the way this missile works is very different from Stinger or Mistral. You cannot use the same formula. For example: it doesn’t use PID for guidance. The rolling, rolling speed and such can also make big differences, it’s not just the aerodynamic surface.

So get a heavy fighter from WW2 and a modern jet, so that both of them have the same „wing surface”. Do you seriously think they will behave the same and there aren’t any other variables that might affect their performance? Seriously?


You don’t know if the igla can physically pull 16gs and we already know that. Mathematics on being able don’t prove its physically able. And you dont know if the average on the mistral and stinger is 63% it could be more, it could be less. But we dont know if it is 63% because they are rolling systems and this formula doesnt apply to them

What primary source? I haven’t seen anypne show a single source that states 16G.

And that “formula” is already defective, as it was made based on igla with a different guidance system than stinger and mistral.

It doesn’t matter.

If we give igla according to the formula, we get 16g. What’s the difference

And Gaijin themselves says in the post they have the sources for higher Stinger and Mistral pull. They will just not use them because „the Igla looks similar and it can’t, so they can’t either”.

It’s the „base VW Golf and VW Golf GTI have the same shape and size ergo they have the same acceleration”.