MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Mistral & Stinger should be improved if we get sources that prove they are incorrect in War Thunder.
Mistral & Stinger should be improved if they’re inaccurate.

As for your defense of Russian equipment…

This is a Manpad thread.

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Reminder to ignore trolls in general and people who seek to derail threads because the consensus is not going the “right” way.


Now you guys have to stop complaining unless if you can actually bring any real sources to the table. 270 replies with almost no one bringing anything, many people lying about the capabilities of stinger and then some people proving that stinger is indeed not as good as they thought it would be.

Just cause they were wrong on their defense of Russian equipment doesn’t mean they are trolling or trying to derail us.

Stinger & Mistral should be improved regardless, if we have sources that can cause improvement.

About the yak 141 getting the ho229 treatment, I’d add that not all vehicles get it. The Mirage 4000 (which I won’t ask for any significant buffs as it is already great) would have access to 8 more GBUs, and a thermal targeting pod if he had had the same treatment. As for the 2S38, I was under the impression that 2Sxx were anti air vehicles, so that it should have the same treatment as the otomatic.
As for it going to 9.3 without APFSDS, I would completely disagree. the APHE is still very usable against tanks, and the HEVT is deadly, in some ways even better than the M247 thanks to the large caliber and extremely accurate IR tracking.
Also, tank designations are all over the place. The ELC Bis is still considered a TD without the ability to scout, when things like the ASU57, which is by deigned supposed to perform the EXACT same missions (air dropped, reconnaissance vehicles) is considered a TD BUT has access to scout and (I believe) artillery.


This is the math we’ve been needing.
Thank you FrenchArtist.
I’m bad at this inertial math personally which is why I avoided this topic.
However, you need to get multiple math people to independently come to the same conclusion for a number of secondary sources.

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Have you ever heard of the story of Metro 2?

“The Invisible Watchers are a legend among the Metro inhabitants. The legend says that they roam Metro-2, observing and directing the Metro inhabitants’ every move”

What? There’s no such thing as force momentum, if there’s no force being applied, then there can be no relevant G-load. That’s like saying a rocket that’s accelerating forward at 5G, and cuts off its engine (meaning its thrust is instantly zero newton) will take a non zero amount of time to go from 5G to 0G. In other words that the rocket would continue to gain forward speed despite its engine giving it zero thrust

Any acceleration that’s still measured in your plane scenario would either be from instrument accuracy or from control surfaces taking some time to return to neutral

Scout missing from ELC BIS is sad; I’d prefer it to have scouting personally. Though there are a number of vehicles that lack scouting where other similar vehicle have it.

2S38 doesn’t have a search radar, but if it did I’d say it’s 9.7 capable. There are no 10.0 proxy-round gun-only SPAAs in War Thunder that don’t have an APFSDS round. 2S38 being called anti-air is a popular thing among some people because they either want its spawn points to reduce or its BR to reduce.

OTOMATIC is over-BR’d, and it’s that BR exclusively because of its APFSDS, not because of its anti-air performance. OTOMATIC is a 9.7 - 10.3 anti-air with ridiculous APFSDS.

As for thermal pod; I’d love it to be thermal just as you. It getting any pod is equal treatment in a vacuum though.

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Yeah, I mean, not like we’ve ever seen the Stinger missile leave the tube and instantly track its target and lead trajectory when your not directly pointed at your target. (This was sarcasm if you couldn’t tell (because some people can’t))

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A doc with proposed equipment mentions a FLIR CLPD. And the only one that France was developing at the time had thermal IIRC.

Note : I’d like to add that I don’t think the M4K should and need to get such thermal pod. Mainly because it’s already more than good enough in the current balance, and that I personally would prefer that such prototypes did not carry equipment that were not even tested. For the M4K missile set, including the R530D, we could be confident that at least exercise or model missiles might have been tested internally by Dassault (even if without pictures), but for a thermal targeting pod, AFAIK, the M4K program was cancelled before it came into service. Thus, I think it would be a long stretch to add it. But I also have the same opinion on stuff like the IRST of the YAK 141 as well as it carrying R27ER, as, AFAIK, while planned, these were most probably not even close to being tested (but I could be wrong, I am not that certain on the YAK141 development phases).

Alright, that’s the last message I’ll right about this because I am getting way of topic.
TL,DR : while I don’t think everything is Russian bias, I do believe in many ways there is still some in a certain number of situation.

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But there is momentum for me. The missile is spinning, and the fins are creating torque transfer that energy. They use servo motors to move. There are no such things as engine cutoff. you have the ;momentum of the spinning missile, and the momentum caused by the reaction time of the servo on the fins. The efforts caused by turning are vastly different than the efforts caused by a rocket for a linear acceleration, those 2 aren’t comparable at all

Double standards all over again. And we are sick of it.

We believe ( the community) that your (gaijin) assumption is wrong.

So we “assume” that you won’t change the Mistral or Stinger because it doesn’t fit your agenda.

Let’s also not forget that Mistral is also capable of locking vehicule , like cars, or light ship. It was proven and tested and video is on the net.
The seeker is that sensible.

But imagine creating a mechanic for some “Inferior NATO” country.

Russian have a perfect word for that “враньё”

But we don’t take bullsh*t anymore. No more.


Mechanics added to War Thunder because of NATO vehicles:
Active-radar homing, thermals, targeting pods, thermal targeting pods, laser guided munitions, track while scan, pulse doppler, neutral steer, proximity fused rounds, laser rangefinders, HESH, IR guided air-to-ground weapons, ground search radar functionality, separated flare & chaff functionality [this one’s still in development], aircraft carriers, airfield arresting gear if its developed in the future, variable air intake animations, wing movement animations [F-8 Crusader], mine protection equipment [though mines aren’t implemented at this time]… just to name the ones I’m quickly aware of.

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we don’t think so

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What’s the point of providing PRIMARY FUCKING SOURCES when you guys just flat out ignore them for reasons that amount to “we don’t believe them”?


You cannot say that people still need to prove this when they say the following.


They are basing their conclusions on assumptions, not source material. Even worse, they contrdict themselves by using a Russian source for western MANPADS when in the Abrams blog they said they didn’t want to use Russian sources for it.

“We believe” and “we assume” are not sound reasons to deny the sources given to them. That has been the major uproar.

Thing is literally called a SPAAG everywhere I look that isn’t War Thunder.


They absolutely are comparable. The missile spinning is irrelevant to the question of whether or not it keeps pulling towards the target when the control surfaces go to neutral.

The key issue here is that Igla doesn’t have proportional guidance so its ability to pull towards the target is not optimized. With bang bang guidance it could only wobble towards the target or “stutter” towards it depending on the programming.

While the mistral spins at 10r/second. To achieve a 25-32g pull.

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Thank you for putting this out, it really shows a lot of the complexity that missiles and flight have. As for people getting heated over one section, I do trust the math done that 20G or 25G isn’t possible for the given dimensions.