Making the M1A2 Sep Historically Accurate

Since Gaijin Still ain’t Fixed the M1A2 Sep Im going to post this website AGAIN " And i dont wanna here make a suggestion or a but report, because i’ve done it and others have done it. Fix the SEP V1

ODIN - OE Data Integration Network (

ODIN is not considered by gaijin a reliable source

2 years ago my guy. Also screw gaijin.

ODIN’s sources are mostly wikipedia or random internet blogs.

This is a document TRADOC published for WEG 2016 Volume 1 Ground Systems.

the type 9a2 is from 2011 the m829a4 is from 2015

I know the original post is like 2 and a half years old but Odin is such a good primary source they did a reverse leak and sucked WT into the military

A fantastic source that definetly does not just vacuum up anything and everything it finds off the internet.

Your confusing A3 with A4, A3 is from 2004

yeah a4 forgot thats the one with data link on it