Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

Ariete has no armor low survivability and muh mobility with just 1300 HP engine except AMV

Merkava tall as mountain but no working armor as far as i know

Challenger2 muh as almost everything only Blacknight and 2E are sightly better because of some gimmicks

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The Merkava engine does jack shit lol. Centre mass merkava Mk.4 hull dhot is usually a one shit kill.


Why are you telling me this? I’m well aware of that mate :P

The problem is you keep saying this, yet your win rate and kill/death ratio in all your tanks have steadily gone down. Kinda strange how that keeps happening eh? Your Stryker isn’t over 65% anymore, i guess gaijin removing all your sniping/camping spots must have stopped you from playing like a coward. Your M1A2 sep is under 50% now your sep v2 is under 50% now pretty soon your M1A2 will be under 50% Your merkava and clickbait already bordering 40% We will see how your Win loss is in a few month eh?

Yup been happening for years. Remember when the 120MM HEAT-FS could pen 680mm? russian mains cried, then they nerfed it based on a bug report from india.

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Right after the SEPv2 released I played it in a squad wirh Germany, so my winrate only was high because I didn’t have to deal with US teammates as much.

Only after Gaijin was saying that the reload buff was going to help US winrates I made it a challenge for myself. I would only solo queue US and see if it was true. Spoiler alert, it wasn’t.

But at least my M1A2 SEP doesn’t have a 34% winrate and 0.5 K/D. Still up to your old ways of only sitting in the back sniping?

My Merkavas has always had low winrates. The tanks are pretty mediocre and the lineup is bad. Yet at the same time I do better in my Merkava Mk.4M than you do in the far better M1A2 SEP.

To further make things even stranger, these guys who claim USSR vehicles are overperforming also happen to have horrible ass stats when they play them, wondering why, oh they said they were just hodling W and not playing serious at all, but when it’s NATO vehicles they went all out giving their best hnnnnggghhhhh

One of them said: oh my record says I don’t play T-90M because the other day I went to my fren house to try the T-90M OMFG it’s damn OP I hodl W and bounced everything haha bussian rias


So what you’re saying is " you had help " artificially inflating your stats, and now without it your stats are falling? Says something about your skill eh?

But before that you didn’t, and you tried to wait for a artificial buff to the piss poor mockery of the abrams in this joke of a game made by russians, oh but when i had a 55% 60%+ win rate for my abrams i didn’t need anyone else or a buff.

Imagine playing a stock tank against BVMs with spall liners, leo’s strvs and all you have is some garbage heat -fs gaijin nerfed thanks to a bug report from an indian source.

sniper, no sniping.

You have other players on the forums proving this.


If you actually think 3BM-42 could penetrate the M1A2 abrams, let alone any of the aim or sep models, you’re out of your mind. Th Challenger 2, Leopard 2a5s onward and All M1A2 Seps are immune to 3BM42 THE AMMO SHOULD NEVER PENETRATE THE HULLS LET ALONE anywhere on the turret.
Do you see this?

Gajin fantasy

The 9M133 Penetrating any of the turrets of any of the modern abrams?

Oh and this came from A RUSSIAN.
Armor Technology (

get this through your thick skull GAIJIN HAS BEEN ARTIFICIALLY MAKING RUSSIAN VEHICLES AND AMMO BETTER THAN THEY HAVE BEEN FOR OVER 10 YEARS , Anytime any thing is added that threatens russian tanks it gets hit with a automatic nerf HESH. For example. When the Nato 120MM HEAT-FS had 680mm of penetration and could penetrate the T80s? Nerfed because of a single source they got from INDIA. The Tow 2B not blowing up russian ammo?

How far back do you need me to go to prove to you gaijin has been hand holding russian tanks? Ammo not blowing up? Russian tanks not creating spall?


TOW-2B was nerfed due to a misinterpreted source, napkin maths and gaijin (for once) taking answers from an off-the-cuff interview of a Tank Commander as word of god. Not killing ammo at the bottom of any tank is just a side effect of having the ATGM penetration slashed by more than 4x.

The original number of 430mm CE was too high; but 100mm CE is much too low. Should be around 130mm to 260mm KE penetration. It is possible the ATGM could penetrate in excess of those two numbers, but without proper sources and additional info, we cannot know.

Digression over, TOW-2B was nuked because it clapped everyone’s cheeks, not just the Russians.

bvm doesn’t have a spall liner but ok.


I did the same in my Merkava Mk.4s, which were already worse than the M1A2 SEP pre reload buff, yet you don’t see me still having a 0.5 K/D in those after ~100 battles.

And when was that? 2022 when the SEP caused a lot of good FOTM players to play US? 2018 when the M1 and IPM1 were stomping everyone?

Let’s be honest, those winrates were not because of you, given how little impact you have with a 0.5 K/D.

You were mega carried. Indicated by your winrate instantly dropping to around 34% as soon as those better players left.

That is your entire stick. I remember you even proudly posting a video of it. Anyway, imagine mostly siting in the back and still going negative.


that was 2018 when the M1 were limited to 4 A TEAM.

You obviously didnt play this game in patch 1.77 whne i actually gave a damn and all the tanks at top tier were balanced all the russians had was 3BM-22. I had a 705+ win rate with the abrams and i would be one of the last people left on my team ( still the last one left) now you have a joke of a tank that gets blown up from IFVs . I dont give a fuck about this game win rates or K/D this game is just to kill time, Everyone good has left now its just a bunch of wallet warriors with 1 / 2 tanks at top tier. Lmfao at being carried, im not you mr strike from a distance. F.O.H

LOL the AGS? video on the desert map? The map where gaijin has forced everyone to drive in a I pattern? The tank gaijin uptiered an entire 1.0+ because russian player were complaining it was one shotting their tanks?

I don’t give a damn about this game anymore. Gaijin and their " beliefs " lmfao and to be honest IDGAF about what any of you people say on forums, esp from Russian mains.( keep thinking your tanks can penetrate the Hulls of U.S MBTs with ANY Russian shell, and keep thinking the 9M133 ATGM can penetrate the Turret of a Sep Abrams lmfao. So keep making replies Renzo, if you think i care about my stats on this game, i got some property on the San Andrea’s fault line you can buy.



??? rate u.s D.U ammo lower than it should be everytime gaijin

M735 Still not fixed?
U.S Tanks still missing spall liners?
TOW 2B still not working the way it should?
AH-64D still have no Fire and forget ammo?
HSTLV isn’t even doing 20% of what it was?
Bradleys still missing the Busk ERA?
AGM65s broken
Stingers dont have their 22G overload ?

and you think i care about K/D oR W/L RENZO? this is what the tow 2b does to a combat loaded russian tank.

what does it do to a combat loaded tank in warthunder?

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I’m not arguing against buffing the TOW-2B, I’m just correcting the timeline and narrative for accuracy.

I want the TOW-2B to actually reliably kill things, the M3A3 is one of my favorite tanks.


That’s why NATO with same and superior armor is in War Thunder right now, and when skilled people play them T-series tanks get stomped.

1- It’s being worked on.
2- Finding information is hard.
3- That goes for all proxy-type munitions.
4- Blame Boeing and USA for not adopting SPIKE missiles on AH-64D.
5- HSTVL is doing everything it did against tanks.
6- Wouldn’t do anything.
7- They aren’t…
8- Not just Stingers.

All tanks, not Soviet related.

They always created spall.

Yet there’s no evidence.
3BM60 is top-BR’s “3rd worst” round.
HEATFS was over-performing and was corrected based on an accurate historical report.

BVMs don’t have spall liners, and I did play HEATFS against BVMs. I fragged 3 of them back to back on Fire Arc. Assault Arcade practice did wonders.

Creating myths about Soviet tanks in War Thunder doesn’t help us fix issues with NATO vehicles.


At this point, I’m starting to doubt how valid the rumour about the false bug report is. If it really was just that, it should’ve been fixed by now.

You only notice it more on soviets because the ammo is a weakspot, and that you only hit 1–2 rounds at a time.

Even if there was, it can be explained by Gaijin wanting a balanced game.

Why do they? when they use something better

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That’s a logical fallacy I forgot the name of.
Gunjob or another technical moderator made a forum post within the last two months about the round and its progress in fixing.

As for amount of rounds hit in Soviet tanks… I hit 3 minimum with my shots personally: Idler wheel, lower front plate with a side bias, and side armor with a front or rear half turret bias.

Which is why AGM-114L can’t be added to the game sadly. No way to defeat them except by buildings, and likely why we won’t see radar Brimstones.

USA can get AH-64E with SPIKE missiles.

Well then blame other nation that can’t keep up with US military tech then