Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

It’s not incompetence, the missile just can’t hit fast moving targets.
Might be a bug, might be its G-limit. All I know is the 7 - 9 missiles launched on my F-16A ADF on Fields of Normandy all missed, most in one match shot at me so far.
Well over 100 missiles launched at me thus far.

I’m saying incompetence because i’m at a loss as to how to explain it

Is it incompetence that ITOs & ADATS can’t hit targets as well then?
Cause so far only TOR-M1 can hit targets…

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i don’t know. maybe it is

However, i suspect it probably has something to do with the guidance changes a couple of months back. that doesn’t explain the ADATs though.

Doesn’t help that I don’t remember names of players I find & recruit for a 1 - 2 hour “shoot me” session.
They all have multiple kills per match.

@SXTREME By the by, lad, I’m not meaning to upset you. Not my intent at all.
If I stated anything that you deem harsh, I apologize.
I also mean ACOMETS, cause who knows who I unintentionally upset.

I have more vehicles to play than play one single aircraft type every match for 40+ hours in 3 weeks.


Funny that, haha.
Wouldn’t expect you to.

I sincerely doubt you spend over four hours facing Pantsirs and if you did and still came to that conclusion that’s still a bad take anyways. Like I said earlier currently both guided and unguided payload is utterly ineffective against the Pantsir and not worth the price of over 600 SP, sometimes even 890+ SP.

The current Pantsir entered service in 2012, there’s a 30 year gap in weaponry here when using an F-16A with AGM-65Bs against it. Not only are RWRs completely outdated and unable to detect the K band lock, but searching for a pixel size black dot on a monochrome screen is pretty damn difficult and even if you manage to find the Pantsir and launch the maverick, the Pantsir can still lock on your missile and destroy it.

If you think I am shilling for Russian equipment you clearly don’t know me, I actually find it hilarious that Russia needs a 3 decade advantage to be competitive with NATO CAS.

So you aren’t engaging the Pantsir? You are just dodging missiles, dude that’s half of the task. When you are on an ADF with an A-A loadout not even trying to fight the Pantsir obviously you are gonna have an easy time dodging missiles, but what an effective CAS player has to do is to wear a heavy CAS loadout that will absolutely knock out your pulling and pray to find something on that little monochrome TV screen while flying on a straight line before the Pantsir finds you.


I watched a Tor for all it’s missiles at a single target and they all missed

Sometimes I engage, but my primary duty in ground battles is air superiority.
My only practice in custom battles was with dumb bombs as I only have Mavs on AJ Viggen, which I also used in custom battle, but due to lack of countermeasures, is a bad example for real matches.

Pantsir entered service in 2012 and is barely on-par with 1990s SPAA from Canada, and vastly inferior to stuff like SPYDER.
Year doesn’t mean power.

I’ve also used Tornado in ground battles and have only died to aircraft, didn’t kill Pantsirs cause tanks were more a threat to my team than Pantsirs were to me.

So like I said before, you don’t have the experience in engaging Pantsirs, you may have experience dodging which in no way the same thing.

Barely, for real? The MIM146 just doesn’t have the engagement zone of a 95Ya6, you may have a bit more pull but the fact that you can fire at a climbing aircraft right from their spawn makes it that on average your missile will have to pull less on it’s trajectory, so it will bleed less speed and will ultimately reach it’s target. The ADATS cannot even look above itself, it’s TV track can only lock 10km away, lacks stabilizer, search only covers 18 degrees in elevation and has level 1 thermal imager with only 12x zoom.

Compared to the ADATS the Pantsir is absolutely next level, the reason why NATO lacks equivalents is because they never focused on mobile AA development, because you don’t need that when you have total confidence in air superiority, unfortunately this is not real life and in WT that doctrine isn’t currently meta because we don’t even have HARMs.

Not in game.

With such a big technological gap yes it does.

But again /Offtopic/ this thread is about Russian armor not Russian AA, if you want to discuss further, DM me.


funny that some are saying the Tor is the best, when I find that the easyest one to dudge, you just trun one way then the other and the missile miss…

and does not the It0 90m use a K-band in reality ?

Nope, there are late T-80B that have the 5 layer glacis and improved sideskirts but without ERA like pic related

still gets penned irl and blown to bits lol, i dont think it matters

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Don’t waste the effort responding to the jokers that seem to follow every Russian Top Tier thread. They won’t do much other than obfuscate or wheel out ‘what-about-isms’ at every turn.

Totally agree by the way - Russian ‘well-armoured’ tanks do seem to have a bit of an issue when people shoot back at them IRL…


Ah yes. The LOS sect where people believe that rubber and air LOS is the same effectiveness as RHA

Only russian rubber/air


depends, if it is on Russian tanks it is better must be secret rubber and air from asteroids etc…

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Whichever copium helps you sleep at night

this guy cant stop pretending. thunderskill is not a source? then give me your source then