Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

I wanna know what this hatch is made of. It’s the strongest material in the world. What is the name of it yet again? Stalinium?

Many times you hit that part when trying to twitch-shoot T80BVM and you do nothing absolutely.

That’s what pisses me off the most. It’s not just the spall that is unreliable but the drivers hatch

I can’t count how many times I died because of that stupid hatch!

5667mm of protection, I wanna know what that is made of really!!

So they say just shoot a driver’s hatch huh?? Laser precision is needed my friend haha

Oh by the way I tested this with DM53


I remind that the most fun we had in top tier was in the April Fools event with Leopard 2A5 vs T-90. It was mechanically bad but it was still a lot of fun.
Fast forward to today and none of that fun is in top tiers. None talks because many are actual bots. Teams are half the size cause none wants to play there anymore.

How Gaijin can make the game fun without any bit of effort:
Every nation at top tier gets 1 MBT, 1 IFV, 1 SPAA, 1 helicopter.
Every player gets 5 respawns, can choose any ground vehicle at no cost or a helicopter for a set spawn points.
No such thing as modules, stock or spaded.
Gaijin lets players design unique skins and sells them.


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Soviet ammo detonates IDENTICALLY to Ariete’s ammo. This is from the datamines.
You are officially posting misinformation. If it’s intentionally, it’s disinformation.

Itz kra-Z how there are hundreds of videos, thousands of reddit / forum posts about Russian tanks not detonating, or how gaijin itself was even forced to make post about the T80-BVM era stopping spall from Depleted Uranium Rounds fired at it from a 40 degree angle, and then a magical thin steel wall stopping the shell all-together…


only tank that can hulldown with impunity is that one russian event tank. only thing that can kill it are atgms

Before I go through all this data, I want to address this “only 80lbs” issue. So the Javelin Missile, which has absolutely shown to just destroy russian tanks with ease, only carries 6lbs of explosive. So anything more than that in game should be a death sentence as I am sure most people by now have seen how effective it is against even the newest russian tanks in Ukraine.


Ultimately, and this is a fact that cant be dismissed.

significant number of threads are about percieved over-performance of Soviet Tanks and other vehicles. I never see them for Sweden, or US, or Germany or any of the “minor” nations. They are always for Soviets. Maybe it is a biased sample, the english speaking forums. but that statistically proves. if nothing else. something IS wrong. Are soviet tanks over-performing by 5-10% or 50%. I don’t know. But it needs to be investigated, It needs to be challenged.

There is just too many examples to dismiss it entirely. Im not an expert at ground combat. I know 50% of my problems is lack of experience. But i’ve got 1000s of hours of flight time and I feel it in every fight and have done for years. Heck, even some minor, really easy things to observe. like the fact most 11.3 Premiums in ARB, kept their 11.3 position in ASB, despite the fact their TT version are much lower. Take the FGR2/FG1 10.7 in SB, F4J(UK) 11.3. But the soviet equivalent. Mig-23ML. Is 11.0 in SB. Why? Why does that jet get a lower SB rating, but the others… dont?

Just a little suspicious and unfair in my opinion.

Is everything wrong/right? I dont know. But I’d rather say. “I dont think this is right” and be proven wrong. Than say nothing at all, and be proven right


You know what would make things a little bit more honest. Is if they didn’t “hide the numbers” and “hide their documents”. We aren’t stupid. We know this means they either don’t exist, or they don’t line up with what they did in game. It’s pure dishonesty plain and simple. Otherwise they would simply cite their sources like they ask us to do.


Yeah, would be good if there was a website where you could select a vehicle and all the soruces used is cited clearly.

Even just making updates include every single change would be great. There was a change to the base HP In SB. No patch notes at all for that update. had to be datamined. Why?

I would make a bet that if that happened they would be exposed. The only reason someone hides something simple like that, is because it doesn’t jive with what they have said out loud.



@AlvisWisla If their is no bias in the game explain this then. This is where each nation first gets RADAR AA. russia gets search and track radar SPAA 1 full BR before other nations.

Germany RADAR AA BR = 8.3
Britain RADAR AA BR = 8.3
Japan RADAR AA BR = 8.3
China RADAR AA BR = 8.3
Italy Optical (NO RADAR) = 8.3
France RADAR AA BR = 8.3
Sweden RADAR AA BR = 8.7
Isreal RADAR AA BR = 7.7 (Track only)
ISA RADAR AA BR = 7.7 (Track only)


There are no “human bots”, you made them up, Mr Jones.

That hatch is made of roof armor, you’re hitting the roof, which is exceeding 10 meters in thickness.
The same happens if you test other tanks’ roof armor.
T-72B3 gets ammo racked with ease to this day.

Just cause Sweden has the best ground lineup doesn’t mean it’s one sided.
Oh you were talking about China with the best SPAA since no one else has a SPAA that comes close.

I’ve seen no videos made in the last month of direct-hit ammo not cooking off.
In-fact, I posted a video of ammo cookoffs using France’s new IFV.

It’s sad how players will never improve themselves because they make up fictional conspiracies.

Cause people only complain when good players are beating them.
I said this in another thread, Sweden was being complained about for ~3 months in 2022, yet stopped even though their tanks are objectively more powerful than Soviet’s.

F-104S gets a BR of 10.3.
Kfir C7 gets a BR of 11.0.
Viggen 11.0.
F-1C 11.0 [this one is actually Mig-23ML’s equivalent].
J-7E is at 11.0.
You even said yourself that FG-1 is 10.7.

Cause if you ever played that 7.7, it’s not actually a good search system that shares the same antenna for tracking as well, and radar tracking is rather horrid. Optical is infinitely superior. And on top of that the vehicle came in at 8.0 but was so bad it was reduced in BR.

It was reduced because russian players are often placed at skill levels where they don’t need to learn to aim. This is so extremely common its gotten silly. However russian players always tell other nations “learn to aim”. The russian SPAA with Search and Track radar being at 7.7 lower than anyone else, and a full BR lower than Sweden is a joke.

Can you provide the data sheets or sources you have for why russian tanks are getting extraordinary top armor protection? A javelin with a 6lb warhead is more than enough to wipe out any russian tank ever made, yet in game they are surviving 1000lb bombs.

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ZSU-37-2 was among the first to have the wobbly track radar.
The VEAK has proximity rounds, there’s less to aim with that. It’s just a flat out superior platform, and I should know having used both.
A Javelin is more than enough to wipe out any American tank too, yet bombs are overall less effective against tanks recently.
Their armor isn’t “extraordinary”.
BVM’s turret armor is seen at 10.3 on T-80B, and hull armor is seen at 11.0 with T-80U [Sweden], the difference is BVM has Relikt.

His source, just like Gaijin’s, is simple…

Sekrit Dokuments, Komrade.

Now excuse me while I go fix my eyes, they’ve rolled so hard I can see the back of my sockets.

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@AlvisWisla why does the chinese tech tree have proximity shell AA on the WZ305 at 8.0 despite the fact that the US pioneered this technology and was the first to shoot down an aircraft with it in WW2 yet doesn’t get it until 9.0?


The joy of being a US player…

everyone gets tech your country pioneered before you

(unless its shit, looking at you phoenixes)


Yeah. Ain’t it just bloody great?

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But F4JUK is 11.3. Its inferior to the FG1